The name has been almost permanently ruined. Whenever people hear of it, they always think of no food, 1984, worshipping the leader, getting your entire family arrested for not doing so, all that stuff. And if you say otherwise, they just call you a propagandist who is hiding the truth. And even if Korea’s government does anything like build a water park, people say that it is just to “fool the world into believing they are good”. Like they can’t even build an entire village without people saying that they are just building it to deceive people.
At least China is taken seriously by a lot of people.
I hear in North Korea, they have no words for love or ice cream, and they make everyone take turns pushing the trains with their feet while overseers hit them with riding crops and yell “yabba dabba doo”.
Truly the most monstrous country
You seem to be suggesting that these examples were made up, but all were taken from primary sources below.
The Guardian – Why do North Korean defector testimonies so often fall apart?
I doesn’t feel like you’ve taken a balanced look at all the primary sources available:
Nice music lol
Thanks! :)
I get the distinct impression that all of these replies come from the same person running different accounts. I find it hard to believe that there are this many people replying within minutes to me on Lemmy with such strongly positive opinions about North Korea.
You find it hard to believe because in your usual echo chambers you can post unverifiable witness testimonies and have them uncritically pass as primary sources. This is a change of pace for you.
>I get the distinct impression that all of these replies come from the same person running different accounts. I find it hard to believe that there are this many people replying within minutes to me on Lemmy with such strongly positive opinions about North Korea.
Do you bring these same crushing powers of observation to your understanding of Amerikkkan propaganda?
You’re in Lemmygrad. Not “on Lemmy”.
You silly Billy, Lemmy is an umbrella. You might have noticed that “Lemmy” Is in the name “Lemmygrad”
I think I’ve made my point. I won’t be replying further.
I think you know when you’re outclassed.
Feel free to check out some educational resources .
They were making a point that Lemmygrad, an explicitly Marxist-Leninist instance, is quite different than your home instance.