Our school lunches where I work are a lot better then this but were also a petty good district in the state with decent funding.

  • Ah, the humble finnish school lunch. Despite my endless supply of criticism of this bullshit nightmare country, I gotta say that the finnish school lunch system is an absolute banger. Soup days were my favourite, because they’d serve regular soft bread instead of näkkileipä (crispbread? idk). Now as an adult I of course understand that näkkileipä fucking rules, but as a kid I hated it.

    Pretty sad that schools and daycares don’t have their own kitchens any more. No idea what school lunches are like these days, but I can imagine it’s indeed a lot worse. Better than nothing though, I hope.

    • Yeah the central kitchen stuff is sad, but it is kind of nice that when kids just don’t eat the food or feedback is all negative, they still do change the producers. But these are the great results of privatization./s

      But it is still nice that some municipalities are floating the idea of breakfast now as well and in some places they offer it too. There is a whole discourse around it that touches the universalism and positive discrimination debates that Finns love to do (typically to benefit the already privileged), but it is at least being considered.

      I like how these days school have a wish menu week and also in some places they use local produce. Just wish the schools still had their own kitchens. I did substitute teaching in small rural schools and my god the food was so good when there was a cook who was a part of the school community. In bigger cities the food has been worse for a long time. I remenber the feeling of sadness when I moved from a rural high school to a bigger city upper middle school and the food quality went down a lot, this was decades ago now.