Trump is claiming credit for all of it. Biden is claiming credit for the agreement, while acknowledging Trump was kept informed and is responsible for the implementation.
Anyone with internet access can compare what we know about the plan and what Biden proposed last year and see the similarities.
Just because Trump posted to social media first doesn’t mean he did shit.
Now you’re just grasping at air to try and not be wrong.
Bidens deal was on the table since June. Presenting an agreement has little value if he lets Netanyahu refuse it. Trump made Netanyahu accept the agreement.
Trump is claiming credit for all of it. Biden is claiming credit for the agreement, while acknowledging Trump was kept informed and is responsible for the implementation.
Anyone with internet access can compare what we know about the plan and what Biden proposed last year and see the similarities.
Just because Trump posted to social media first doesn’t mean he did shit.
Now you’re just grasping at air to try and not be wrong.
Bidens deal was on the table since June. Presenting an agreement has little value if he lets Netanyahu refuse it. Trump made Netanyahu accept the agreement.
Says who? An anonymous source on a paywalled article from a side with a heavy bias?
Because my less biased source already proved otherwise.
At this point you’re just creating headcanon and arguing with that.
Downvoting doesn’t make you any less wrong.