Days after the presidential election, U.S. intelligence warned of “significant violence or civil unrest between now and Inauguration Day.” Unlike similar intelligence assessments in the past, this one singled out opponents of president-elect Donald Trump’s agenda. Alluding to “extremists” who “viewed the election outcome as an existential event,” the report could have been describing any number of liberal pundits on MSNBC calling Trump an existential threat to democracy.
Amusing as it is to imagine the likes of Rachel Maddow, Jen Rubin or any of their fans bum rushing the capitol, one’s imagination is the only place that’s ever happening.
The report, produced by Homeland Security’s Office of Intelligence & Analysis, is light on the intelligence and heavy on the analysis. Dated November 8 of last year, the report consists of three entirely “hypothetical scenarios of violence or unrest,” as the first paragraph says. Despite the lack of a shred of specific evidence, the report cites the following political issues as potential catalysts for violence:
Abortion rights
U.S. involvement in foreign conflicts
Environmental regulations
Gun control (“firearms access”)
nah they are all utterly resigned and mad that the voters failed the democratic party
somehow also every liberal is completely insulated from the coming economic collapse and are all going to sit back, unaffected, and eat popcorn or whatever
You see it in all their scornful comments about “leopards eating faces”. “Enjoy the next four years, tanky. You could have had the friendly genocide, but now you’ll get the mean one.”