Maybe the life we are leading is a living nightmare for the person who exists in what we think is our dreamworld.
That’s precisely what I dreamt.
Hmm, for some reason this reminds me of that guy who dreamt of being a butterfly.
Reminds me of Inception.
They come here every day to sleep?
No. They come to be woken up
I’ll take some of those dreams please.
Right? I either have bizarre, relatively neutral dream or upsetting dreams.
Dreams are part of your life tho and you should take that into account when you evaluate your life.
Recently all of the dreams that woke me up have done so through annoyance. I didn’t even know this was possible a couple of years ago.
not exactly a high bar.
I had a dream last night that I got a scholarship to a great engineering school…
I had a dream where I congratulated you.
Someone had a wild night.