average moment
I guess I was right in being suspicious of western urbanists who were always deafeningly silent on massive projects in China but won’t shut up for weeks about the Dutch king taking a bike-shaped shit. This is how they respond when they are forcibly confronted with the topic.
you’re allowed to disagree with the government in china. how brainwashed are these people to think otherwise? i remember thinking that when i was like 7. did these people just never learn anything or mentally grow up?
you’re not allowed to blatantly lie about the government to their detriment in china. many would say “well who decides what’s truth and lies?” and i would say that’s a fair point but what’s truth and lies in america is dictated entirely by capitalist media so even if the evil chinese government was dictating what’s true the same can be said for the US where whats true is just whatever capitalist propaganda your tv tells you, and with how much of right wing media is reliant on just flat out lies i wouldn’t mind some laws like that here in the US
When you get to the bottom of it with these people, “criticism is prohibited” almost invariably means “it’s illegal to overthrow the government”.
Preventing a CIA color revolution is doing a heckin authoritarianism
Plus it’s always from arrogant as fuck Westoids who think they should be allowed to visit China and make snide comments about “West Taiwan”, wear Free Hong Kong t-shirts in Tiananmen Square while asking their tour guide how many people died there. Then they invariably get in shit with the law there and complain about and how it’s impossible to “criticize the government” there