Today’s weather forecast (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 23°C, max - 38°C. 90% chance of no rain
Today was not the day to lock myself out of my house, and I probably won’t get access to the spare key until 10pm. It’s too hot for this. Second time this has happened in 5 years, the timing of this one hurts.
RIP. Of all days… Have you been able to hide in a shopping centre or something meanwhile?
Yeah, I’m at my local council gym/pool which is where I was heading on the way to locking myself out. It’s nice and cool here. I’ll get some dinner after to kill more time.
How you going?
I’m back inside my place! I was able to get the spare key a little earlier than expected thanks to the parentals being very accommodating, so I didn’t have to wait until 10pm thankfully.
░░░░░arrived░░░░░░░░░░░░█▀██████░░I picked up some iodine tincture, boy that stuff smells like concentrated hospital smell.
It tastes pretty gross too, but irs great for killing off whatever is causing a sore throat.
Like the betadine gargle? I don’t think I’d gargle this stuff, it’s pretty gnarly…
I tried that once and immediately threw up. Disgusting
I feel like some sort of dessert but I don’t know what.
It’s alright guys. The man’s gone to get me something.
I’ve still got jelly and morello cherries.
I’d be surprised if you didn’t. That bowl was huge.
Jelly and custard 🍮
I’m tucking into a mini Christmas pud… for dinner. Its too hot to cook and I have some leftover.
Ice cream and jelly and a punch in the belly 😋
Good man. Let us know what he brings back!
It was a lemon roulade from Coles which was super sweet. Next time I’m asking for an apple turnover.
Big spring clean tomorrow. Looking forward to it to be honest.
Been a bit “slovenly” the last 2 weeks so this will make me feel a shit load better.
Also putting the ps5 away for a little while so I can finish off these songs. Sometimes out of sight, out of mind is best.
oh noes, australia post has my address wrong and i need to send them my real address, to a url ending 🙂
Send them a dick pic
I got that one too, forwarded it to Scamwatch
If you don’t mind, DM me the link. I like getting those domains shut down
i deleted without opening it
Fair enough. Personally I find it more entertaining to lodge a takedown request with their registrar and webhost. Usually good within ~12 hours
I should shouldn’t I.
Probably. But if you aren’t confident with technology and safely handling dangerous links, it’s fair not to
I didn’t think I was going to have a contribution to bird day, but lo and behold, a lil birdie ran on the bricks right in front of my camera!
What’s the ID, bird peeps? It looks big but would’ve only been small in person
My guess is either some kind of small raven, or a thirsty sparrow. Maybe just a crow?
If it’s little it might have been a blackbird. But they usually have yellow beaks.
Probably a Little Raven in Melbourne.
Raven - either Little or Australian (I can never tell them apart). We don’t have Crows in Vic
That’s an excellent pic!
So Day 5 of the NY…
The space rearrangement is working really well. It is definitely is a mood booster and I somehow have started a gallery wall which I am even more excited about. Three pieces up and I can probably accommodate another 4-7 frames, depending on size and arrangement. It makes me actually want to be in the space, even if it is the dining area. (Using the dining table as a partial bar top may be also a little more enticing, haha.)
No complaints using Linux Shred. Not sure why. Last drive currently being nuked by loading the OS via USB. So far, so good. That means (as sad as it is) tower be gone tomorrow! I am also relieving myself of my giant Philips iron with its massive water reservoir that never worked quite right (it works perfectly fine, but how it steams is just odd to me). Why I hung onto it so long, I don’t know. Back to a regular sized iron (a Tefal was obtained today).
If only offloading/spring cleaning had always felt this good! Still got a bit to go, but I feel… positive.
Thinking of the birds today, I love seeing the crested pigeon (here dubbed the sprouts pigeon in this household) in the park. They just kind of look rebellious, LOL.
Love punk pigeons with their little mohawks
It must be the week for cleaning & decluttering - I’ve been sorting out the shed. I pulled all the stuff out and have been sorting through it, and ordered some storage racks today. Feeling very accomplished
I’m doing the massive spring clean this week as well. Very much looking forward to it!
Got back about 45 minutes ago, apartment was hooooot but could be worse, at least it was a bit cooler than the outside. AC blasting like a mf. Esky tipped on the back floor of the car the one time I didn’t wedge it securely, it had yoghurt in it… Luckily there was a spare floor mat on top of the floor (from moving house) and only that received a dribble of the stuff. Promptly washed it out. Could have been a lot, lot worse.
Time for my crackers and dip and maybe some tv. This was the view from the hut I stayed in. I miss nature outside my doorstep so much. I can’t wait to move out from here
That’s one gorgeous view outside that window.
Hopefully the aircon will take the edge off.
Welcome back!
That’s a spectacular view.
That’s my dream view. Away from the hussle and bustle of the world…
It was really something else. Here’s the view on the other side…
I’ve had trouble falling asleep without my phone (or some sort of distraction) for ages but over there I could just stare at nature until it went dark and continue to do so in the hut until I was ready to close the blinds. I haven’t been able to do this for years
That sounds like bliss! I’m desperately trying to get fully remote work so I can live out that way full time in a few years
Plink, pause, plink, pause, plink of raindrops. Not a lot in it I think - hope we get a proper downpour.
Won’t be tonight by the looks of it but quite a downpour forecast for tomorrow.
I was planning on walking to work and back to get my blood flowing but I’m a bit chickenshit doing it in heavy rain and I’ll likely be on my feet for the rest of the week so maybe I’ll drive…
No jelly gang🫠
I’m definitely sick - I have the air conditioner off and am sitting wrapped in a blanket. Now I’m about to head to bed. I consulted a rat who doesn’t think it’s covid, but it’s definitely one of the plague varieties going around at the moment.
Edit: plus I replied to a comment instead of the main post, brain is definitely fuzzy. I did manage to make more jelly though, so I’ll be in the jelly gang tomorrow, but right now I don’t have any set jelly.
I picked up the flu which is random for this time of year. Rest up!!
Seeing as we’re doing bird pics, here’s mine from Friday (sorry that it wasn’t taken today but thought it was so random it warranted posting)
I’ve been doing sewing repairs for the young seagoons and it’s really hard. Much of their clothes are specialist hiking clothes and made out of hitech fibres, fibres that are hard to sew. Stretchy dense fabrics and the actual material of the fibre is hard and difficult even when using a special hardened needle.
Are you using a glovers or mattress needle? I also used to find thimbles really helped (or on secondhand leather, pliers)
This is using a sewing machine.
Ah yeah that would be tough
Nipped out to the shops for a couple of things, still foul outside. Onto season 2 of Blue Lights, such an entertaining show. Even if it kind of is copaganda. I can’t get enough of those northern Irish accents. And Stevie and his lunches 🥰
One thing I’ve noticed since coming back is how quickly my attention span/ability to just be has gone back to shite though… I should throw my phone away, honestly.
it is 26C so i should get up and start doing stuff
I did the same lol
watching a movie in a sitting position, eating snacks, and hydrating count as doing stuff
I’m going to nerd out for a sec:
There’s this guitar sound right. It’s a wall of distortion with an artificial reverb that’s used a lot in shoegaze/post rock.
I’ve been chasing it for almost 12 fucking years and couldn’t get it working because the distortion would overload the reverb and it turns into an absolute mess.
I figured it out yesterday. After so fucking long it finally works. The new reverb pedal is bought over xmas had a far higher headroom so wouldn’t distort with a high gain input.
yaaaaaaay 🙂
Thank you!!! I figured it out last night so I couldn’t crank it loud. But today, after my decaf and breakfast, it’s getting absolutely cranked!!!
It sounds so fucking cool. Like an ethereal wall of sound!