Despite having ~4x the population of the US (1.4B:335M), China claims that their active duty military is only ~1.5x as large (2M:1.4M). This suggests they are hiding 3 million troops somewhere, perhaps in a series of large underground bunkers, or on the dark side of the moon.
They’re stationed in the Hamas tunnels.
That, or they’re using the same stealth technology they use to cloak the Xinjiang camps. The same technology used by the North Koreans in Ukraine.
We’re cooked.
This logic also applies to overseas military bases. If the US has bases in X countries, China must have at least 4X secret bases, and its good that the US has those bases at all.
Moon soldiers. Sounds like a Duke nukem dlc
They’re up there finishing off those Nazi scum.
The United States spends the combined GDPs of like fifty fucking countries on military bullshit
Yeah I saw a graph like yesterday, it’s at least 3 times larger than China’s expenditure by my estimate. Then China’s is like 10 times larger than the next largest (go china, go!)
Is it China’s fault if their economic model is more efficient and effective than silly old “democratic” capitalism? It’s embarrassing for the US that they spend so much to fill so few pockets and get so little in return.
but our recruitment numbers are down :) its okay that we spend the most to kill the most people because we do it with robots and very very very big bombs :)
Comparing it to Germany is dumb. Germany during World War 2 had a conscripted army of up to 18 million men, while China is a volunteer army of up to 2 million (3 million if you include reservists).
A much more apt comparison is the Indian Army, the largest all-volunteer force in history which had 2.5 million members and was just one component of the overall British Empire’s military.
In terms of military members per capita modern China is in fact below the global average. Yes their expenditures are rising, they’re building out their blue water navy and stocking up on high tech kit, but China’s primary deterrence is the potential size their military could be, not its present size.
Christ, westerners have no brains
Christ, westerners have no brains
How many do I have to repeat this to others
there’s no reason to expect them to study China, and retrospectively I think to some extent it was a mistake to personally have spent so much time trying to teach them. It’s instead an acknowledgment that they are eagerly wielding the accusation like a club, that they are in reality unconcerned with its truth-content, because it serves a social purpose.
What is this social purpose? Westerners want to believe that other places are worse off,
Yeah I know but I want to disparge westerners for being all too happy to embrace fascism
they just like that the PLA is growing, right
Oh wow, I wonder if that’s why they’ve been building this network of nearly 1000 bases and installations across the globe, to conquer the world! Shit wrong guy.
lol what about the army that defeated the nazi military?? pretty sure that was bigger, just a wild guess tho
The red army?
They payed with their lives for Europes freedom.And Europe never forgave them for it
Jarvis, pull up the list of countries with the largest military spending
The Asiatic hoards, bro! They’re coming, bro!
Oh great, now China’s military will be half the size of the US.
Based. New world police please, American cops keep shooting bystanders n shit.