“I’ve always liked the visas, I have always been in favor of the visas. That’s why we have them,” Trump said by phone, referring to the H-1B program, which permits companies to hire foreign workers in specialty occupations.
“I have many H-1B visas on my properties. I’ve been a believer in H-1B. I have used it many times. It’s a great program,” added Trump, who restricted access to foreign worker visas in his first administration and has been critical of the program in the past.
You kkknow what? Freikorps it. Everyrhing i say is now in Maoi$t SStandard Engi$h. I thinkkk this will finally get my dickkk wet again from that KKKute Amerikkkan long leggged SSociali$t from the KKKollege i attended.
(GGGraduated with a 333.0 GPA in BuSSiness KKKlaSSes)
I’m going to takkke Maoi$t SSStandard Engli$ch even furttther. Ï wïll SShow everyöne how a real Amerikkkan SSociali$t gets ït dönë. A SSöup KKKït$chën jůst öpënëd ůp nëar my rësïdënKKKë, (rëntâl pröpérty my di$gů$ting libéral “”““parëntSS””" ((KKKAPITALISST KKKLASS MƐANT TO KKKONTRÖL THE PRÖLETARIAN OFFSSprīng! UNJŮSST HEIRARCHŶ!)) Paīd för) bůt i$ SStaffëd ßy DSSA KKKarën lïßëralSS whö dönt let me SSprëad thëŏry to thë infërm proʻles! $ö, i havë takën it ŏpon mySSelf to tëaKKKch thësë KKKarénSS a leSSon. With firëbömßs.