• Queen HawlSera@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    All I was getting on Reddit were toxic Star Wars fans who would shit on me for either liking something they didn’t or disliking something they liked, as if Fandom was a rigid set of instructions that compelled you only to like the things the Zeitgeist approved of… and all the “Reddit Atheists”

    Now I have nothing against atheists, the existence of God is far more open to debate than something like the shape of the Earth.

    However, Reddit Atheists are a different breed. I’m talking about the people who have unironically created a religion out of bashing religion. The “I pray to science every day! Hear the good word of Sam Harris! Lock up people who pray in insane asylums!” type. The kind who say Sky Daddy so often that those two words together make you sick.

    Again, nothing against Atheists (My opinions on the validity of the supernatural are rather inconsistent, so let’s say I’m Agnostic at best.), but every group, let me repeat, EVERY GROUP has its nutters who take it to absurd extremes you never before thought possible. Reddit had a lot this specific kind of crazy.