There’s Noah way God would do something like that.
No way? Yahweh.
I don’t understand why people say “I trust God”. He had his own son nailed to a cross, FFS.
People in the middle ages got it right. “I do what God tells me because he scares the crap out of me.”
I’ve been reading through the old stories for the first time in my life, and in my view, you can only read them through the lens of a series of allegorical lessons intended to warn about consequences that do take place in the real world, and those consequences can be beyond lethal.
History will wipe your entire bloodline out if you make bad enough mistakes. Ask the Hitlers.
That’s the way they were taught to me, but I’m starting to think I was pretty lucky with my schools/parish. There was no sex ed though so not that lucky.
If I run into someone actually named Hitler, he’s probably not related to Adolf, but wishes he was…
I’m thinking they might not wish they were related to Adolf, but might have some similar ideas about what to do to their parents for giving them such a damned name.
I was thinking of a Neo Nazi calling himself that to be “cool”
I get sometimes folks are just being edgelords(hail Satan amirite?), but anyone looking at the cringefest of national socialism as anything but the most removed ideology to come out of the human race needs to read more from non-austrian authors. :P
It literally did not even “make the trains run on time”
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That’s because for someone who requires evidence before belief there’s rarely been major unexplained phenomena to convince them of the existance of said power from any source.
I can imagine even the most cognizant person running into problems with assigning things to a god without civilisations aggregated knowledge of concepts like atomic principal, meteorology, astrology, germ theory, social studies.
Imagine seeing tornados, or super cell storm structures, flooding, plague, tsunami’s, all without a hint of understanding of weather, or germs, or global tidal movements, knowledge that’s only been globally accessible to the common man in literally the last 30 years.
The normal person’s aptitude to reject god comes down to the ability to understand and explain anything that would prior be considered an unexplainable phenomena, which relies entirely on their grasp of the combined knowledge derived from all civilisations past.
Education resolves superstition.
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Wow you read all that and missed mine.
Yes they do, because they attribute the powers of nature to god where Athiests do not because they understand the causation and effect.
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No I’m not, I’m explaining the differential in information processing, if you think I was trying to flaunt some superiority you’re still just as ignorant about what I was saying.
I’m stating they see their gods as all powerful because they attribute the natural phenomena to being of a deities impact rather than something that is just naturally occurring.
My second point was that without the combined knowledge and technological advancement of all of the world’s societies there’d be significantly more religious people (as proven by historical record) because they wouldn’t have the tools and knowledge to come to any other conclusion.
So no, you didn’t get my point, and you only think it’s irrelevant because you’re too stupid to realise I was agreeing with you.
Yeah, that’s one of many reasons why the term “Sky Daddy” makes me cringe if used unironically.
Not only hasn’t read the bible. Also hasn’t seen The Ten Commandments which definitely shows god creating a deadly plague. Charlton Heston would like a word.
Or Prince of Egypt which has one of the best soundtracks and great animation. I’m not a Christian but even I know about the damn plague that got those little Egyptian kids.
Hell, not only does YHWH kill many innocent children, a big part of the story is how he literally brainwashes the pharaoh to have an excuse to do so. YHWH explicitly “hardened his heart, and the heart of his servants, that I might shew these my signs before him”
TFW god could’ve just softened his heart and avoided the whole thing altogether.
Too easy man
But think of the money?!
I was raised Christian, and i was considered a superstar in Sunday school because I knew the Bible stories better than most of the ‘teachers’
It’s honestly a good book to be fairly well versed in. You can cut through so much right wing bullshit with that knowledge. And it’s fun to call them out on it.
Oh I know, it’s more or less how I decided there was no god
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I was raised Catholic, went to a Catholic high school (was voted most likely to become a priest), and now I’m firmly an atheist. I read the bible multiple times and had a few bible study classes.
It’s consistently amazing to me how little most christians know about what’s in the bible. It’s always entertaining to see their reactions when I correct them during an argument, or even when they say things like “The Bible says God won’t give you more than you can handle” or “God helps those who help themselves.” Those things, and lots of others that people attribute to the bible aren’t in there anywhere. A lot of times it feels like I’m discussing a movie with someone who only read a review of it.
I was raised catholic. Nursery, primary, high school and sixth form. Church every week. Extra lessons at the church in preparation for the sacraments. I was even an altar server for a time. I think I must have pretty lucky with the parish priest/my teachers though because I the most important thing that was drilled into us was the “golden rule” - treat others as you wish to be treated. Even as a child I knew the Old Testament stories were just that - stories. We were never ever taught that god hated anyone no matter what. We were also taught about other religions and not in “these idiots got it wrong” way. Judaism and Islam were taught as basically the same as Christianity but with a different idea of who Jesus was. I took Christian theology and philosophy A level and had a fantastic teacher. We spent hours debating the existence of god and we were never told we were wrong if we no longer believed by then. There’s a name for it I’ve forgotten now, but we compared the gospels to look for inconsistencies and examined what that meant for their validity. You were never expected just to believe for beliefs sake. I’m not catholic anymore, I have too many issues with the Church. But it’s shocking how unchristian the current brand of American fundamental/evangelical Christians are. It’s just so far from anything I was ever taught.
Most, if not all, monotheistic religions can be very loving or very hateful, depending on what the people make of it. At least that is my personal experience in Catholic Christianity and Islam.
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I have a couple of friends who are of the faith, many express similar distastefulness for the hateful ones. They tend to refer to them as “Xtians”, a term they use to mean “Christians, without Christ” hence “Xtian”
Yeah I grew up in the South and it didn’t give me a very positive impression of the faith, and well I still adamantly claim that I’m not a Christian.
However, I do have some respect for the faith and a large part of that was meeting someone who is now a close friend of mine. One of the kindest, most patient, and sincere individuals I’ve ever met, a Catholic man whom I will not mention by name. I told him about my own experiences with the faith, and how his being a good person made no sense to me, that’s when he started explaining how he understood the faith, how he practiced it, and how it was meant to be practiced. That kind of thing definitely takes some of the “Edgy Anti-Theist” out of you.
Religiously speaking nowadays, I consider myself Agnostic leaning Buddhist if anything.
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Or seen The Prince of Egypt. “The Plagues” is one of the best tracks on a hell of a soundtrack.
I send a pestilence, a plague
That’s the beauty of Christianity.
The Bible is so full of contradictions that you can get it to fit any worldview you want.
Only if simultaneously being willfully obtuse and ignorant.
For example, in Mark, Matthew, and Luke, Jesus forbids those going out to minister from brining a purse or money.
This necessarily prevents monetary collections.
So why is the church okay with taking your money today?
In part, rationalized by Paul’s arguments in 1 Cor 9 against the earlier Christian community there that don’t think it’s appropriate to profiteer off ministering.
But then even more, at the last supper in Luke, Jesus explicitly says “Hey guys, remember when I said not to carry purses? Let’s reverse that and now definitely carry purses.”
Except this addition to the last super in Luke-Acts is missing in Marcion’s version of that gospel, which is probably preserving the earliest extant version of it.
So while yes, you could in theory fit Jesus in the NT to agree with Paul that churches and those ministering have a right to profit from it and should definitely collect money from people (like they do in Acts 5 where an older couple who holds back money are both struck dead before Peter) - an even halfway critical eye should see that the historical Jesus was far more likely to have been against such practices given the widespread accounts of his ban, the earlier attitudes in Corinth, its embarrassing nature to be added in after already collecting money, and the late nature of the reversal.
And to see that much like biological evolution, ideas evolve over time too, and the version of Christianity we have today isn’t necessarily the one closest to the original form, but simply the form that was most adaptive through the fall of the Jerusalem temple, the endorsement of Rome, etc.
So yes, few people might know or see it this way, but that is largely because they don’t bother looking into their preconceptions and would rather believe a superficial picture that agrees with what they think they know (and I’m not only talking about Christians here either).
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I’m saying the opposite. That the ways in which contradictions are layered, coupled with the extensive degrees of academic study of the text, should reasonably reduce the scope of worldviews that it can be used to support dramatically.
Yeah a lot of people miss things like context, knowledge of the time period, and a proper understanding of theology when they talk shit about the Bible. I’m not Christian myself, but a close friend of mine is Catholic, and after hearing his clarifications on supposed Biblical Plotholes and how much more complicated the subject is… Well it definitely made me start squinting at oversimplifications concerning theology with a little more scrutiny.
Also there have been many problems with text being lost in translation or altered like several letters by Paul were merged at some point by a scribe and it was copied over as is.
The fact that anyone says “Ah, but if I word for word cite this part of the bible and ignore any allegorical or contextual meaning, it looks dumb! An entire 2000 year old faith DESTROYED FOREVER!” and they aren’t kidding cringes the heck out of me
Except the one that actually makes the world a better place.
“Tattoos are a sin.”
“Dad, you have a tattoo.”
“Yeah, but Jesus forgave me.”
I kind of want a “Leviticus 19:28” tattoo, but a bunch of idiot Christians will think I’m one of them.
I live in a neighborhood with lots of these Christian types. They don’t want “those gays” because Bible but Jesus forgave them for their divorce. They don’t pride flags on people’s shirts but they wear clothing of different fabrics and different colors other than white because “those laws of God’s aren’t important because Jesus.”
It is just as cognitive trick to make people feel ok about their sins while still getting to point fingers at the rest of the world.
And really … how peaceful are people that think anyone not “with them” are going to suffer eternally ? What they mean is that they are going to torture you in this world while feeling fine about torturing you.
What really annoys me is that when you actually look at the Biblical arguments against supposed Homosexuality and the Historical Context…
The part God allegedly has a problem with are the hedonistic orgies and pederasty, he doesn’t really care about Paul and Bob just wanting to live in a cottage together, have a ceremony declaring them husband and husband, and raising a child together.
That “A man shall not lay with a man as he does a woman part” ? Originally said “Shall not lay with a child”, but thank King James for intentionally fucking that translation up.
That’s the thing about the Bible and the importance of Theology, it’s a really old book that’s been translated dozens of times.
Think about all the poems from the Middle Ages, originally written in English, that no longer make to people who don’t study the time period, or the various translation screw ups that we see in media from Japan that gets localized for America. Now multiply those by 20, and you understand why Bible Study is important for people of the faith, and why when you only have a surface level understanding you do really stupid things.
Any fellow Red Dwarf fans remember the Seventh Day Advent Hopists? This is the kind of shit that’s making fun of… and for those who don’t watch the show, the character Arnold Rimmer mentions his family having a really silly religion in which, due to his family taking the Bible literally yet having a misprint that had “hope” spelled “hop”, they believed Jesus wouldn’t love them if they didn’t spend every Sunday hopping around like morons. (Because they never thought to actually study the context and just took their own understanding of an ancient text at face value, in case you’re wondering how that’s relevant)
I can very easily make the argument that Jesus is completely cool with sucking dick (as long as you swallow instead of spit) simply because he once said that what goes into a man’s mouth isn’t as important as what comes out of it. If I both was a Christian and applied similar logic as the people I’m criticizing with this little rant, I could justify treating anyone who spat instead of swallowed when they gave head like absolute pond scum, even though that’s obviously not anything Jesus ever implied.
There’s actually an old joke making fun of this exact issue that I’m going to end this spiel on, because I’m just gonna go in circles if I keep letting myself prattle on.
“Did you know Jesus had a Honda, but he didn’t like to talk about it much? For it is written ‘I do not speak of my own Accord’”
tl;dr - The Bible isn’t as homophobic as The Far Right Xtians claim, they’re just Homophobes who refuse to learn anything about their own religion.
When you think about it, how else could a religion survive for two thousand years?
Indoctrination and thousands of years of work to keep people ignorant?
That and military conquest.
Oh yeah, cause the Roman Empire embraced Christianity instantly and went on a world crusade, right? There weren’t any persecutions at all
This coming from the politician having orgies and cheating on her husband with her CrossFit gym owner.
I could give a shit, but the hypocrisy is real.
Exodus 20:17
You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.
MTG a cheater? No way, I always thought she was a woman of faith. SMH … /s
She’s a woman of very strong faith. She has faith that as long as she spouts the “correct” kind of bullshit, she’ll have money flowing in and all the power she craves…
The worst kind of faith. Faith in success for being a hypocrite.
having orgies
I’m charging you for the mental bleach I now need.
Put it on my tab. Misery loves company.
People complain about people saying “I could care less” when they mean “I couldn’t care less” (I care so little that I cannot care less)
I don’t care about it, since it’s clear what they mean.
You’re the first where I’m not sure whether you mean what you say and are playing on the common phrase “couldn’t give a shit” or whether you are messing up that phrase in exactly the same way as the ‘care less’ one
Like are you saying you would have time for them if it weren’t for their hypocrisy, or that you have no time for them except to point at the hypocrisy?
If not for double standards Republicans would have no standards at all. But this isn’t really even double standards, because she doesn’t believe in most of the nonsense she spouts herself, she just lets it out because Trump has learnt her that that is the thing their voters wants to hear.
I mean, the rest, sure, but the dude has a pretty sweet ox
trailer trash hits my ear wrong. there are plenty of poor and downtrodden who cant afford anymore than a mobile home. smacks of classism, but then again, i can’t think of many insults that are not befitting of MTG
That is after a workout program?
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If god created humans, then anything that humans do is technically god’s fault… isn’t it?
Nah, that’s Section 230 where the creator isn’t responsible for what its users do.
Nah, they have that covered with the free will clause.
Or it’s the work of Satan, who doesn’t actually have free will, but get to do evil things because otherwise you’d be blaming god for killing a bunch of people. Although, in the one place where Satan is doing things in the bible, it’s god that does all the killing.
god kills Job’s family so that he can brag to Satan about how much Job loves him.
So God is not omniscient?
Something something mysterious ways.
Like that U2 song.
Now you’re getting into Calvinist territory lol
This is always my reply, like, so if this theoretical “sky-daddy” knew everything, and created us, then we were created with the knowledge that our creation would cause untold suffering.
I see 3 possibilities:
there is no god and everything is just random
god is cruel, we are the ants under the proverbial magnifying glass
“god” are actually just aliens and we were “created” as a genetic experiment by other beings that visited earth long ago.
no no don’t you see that’s a facile argument? sky daddy gave us free will to do evil so we had to choose him because… that is… because there… uhm
So as someone who read the bible quite a lot when he was still Catholic - Humanity gets knowledge of Good an Evil by eating from the Tree of Knowledge. Before then, there were no evil acts - that’s why it is called the Original Sin.
Like I get what you’re going for but if you’re going to try to parody actual religious claims you should know the basics.
I’m a former catholic, and therefore did not need to read the bible ;). I wasn’t attempting a proper debate with apologetics etc. just a tongue-in-cheek comment. Catholics would actually indeed view this as a facile argument because it has been debated for centuries. It’s still a fair point, ie that an omnipotent god who already knows the outcome of your free will should still make you choose. There are many well-reasoned responses to this, but at the core of it, you must still rely on “faith” rather than anything empirical. I’m what you’d call a “doubting thomas”
Free will to do exactly what he says or go straight to Hell where you will be tortured for eternity.
God gave humans free will which he apparently doesn’t control. Doesn’t explain natural disasters though. I think they’re meant to test our faith or something? Catholic school was a loooong time ago.
The ten plagues of Egypt:
If God and Satan each held out a hand and said “come with me, I’ll keep you safe and totally won’t kill you”
I’m going with Satan. Way better odds
I’ll always think of Jim Jefferies on this topic.
The bible, that’s god book, as far as I know the devil hasn’t brought out a book yet, haven’t heard his side of the argument. God’s just writing shit about him, and the devil’s being the bigger man and saying I’m not even going to comment, talking shit about me like that.
Jim’s the best. I need to catch up on his recent material
…but then it turns out God created a false image of Satan to trick you, so now you’ve gone with God and you’ve pissed him off.
Oh God, never stop being an insecure evil bastard
Someone needs to rewatch the documentary “Raiders of the Lost Ark”.
Well that’s because she is Lilith
Hey, you be nice to Lilith. This sloppy excuse for a fetid meatsac calling itself MTG has nothing on the Mother of Monsters.
Wait til she hears about cancer
That is a false dichotomy. If God did not create COVID, it’s not necessarily a bioweapon. It could still be an accidental lab escape or a naturally evolved disease, for example.
Wouldn’t both examples be acts of God? I could never wrap my logical mind around the nonsense people call “religion.”
Lab escape of bio weapon research.
That is missing half the point. If you believe in the Christian God then you also believe that that God created the world and everything in it. So God would still have made it, the lab which created it and everything else.
It is not often that you find a statement which is dumb on so many levels that it actually gets dumber every time you pick it apart, but I am not surprised that MTG was the one to make such a statement.
I mean, assuming god to be real, wouldn’t all of those options still have been created by god? Either directly through evolution, or indirectly through inaction?
Nah, He over that phase now, was kind of childish to begin with. Now it’s “why make a deadly plague, if the chinese are going to do it anyway?”
God works in mysterious ways.
For some reason the only way can interpret this is she’s saying the bubonic plague was a bio weapon… Or any other plague in history, including the ones “God” takes responsibility for in the Bible.
God did a lot of killing in the Bible. Plauge or otherwise.