• MonsiuerPatEBrown@reddthat.com
      1 year ago

      I live in a neighborhood with lots of these Christian types. They don’t want “those gays” because Bible but Jesus forgave them for their divorce. They don’t pride flags on people’s shirts but they wear clothing of different fabrics and different colors other than white because “those laws of God’s aren’t important because Jesus.”

      It is just as cognitive trick to make people feel ok about their sins while still getting to point fingers at the rest of the world.

      And really … how peaceful are people that think anyone not “with them” are going to suffer eternally ? What they mean is that they are going to torture you in this world while feeling fine about torturing you.

      • Queen HawlSera@lemm.ee
        1 year ago

        What really annoys me is that when you actually look at the Biblical arguments against supposed Homosexuality and the Historical Context…

        The part God allegedly has a problem with are the hedonistic orgies and pederasty, he doesn’t really care about Paul and Bob just wanting to live in a cottage together, have a ceremony declaring them husband and husband, and raising a child together.

        That “A man shall not lay with a man as he does a woman part” ? Originally said “Shall not lay with a child”, but thank King James for intentionally fucking that translation up.

        That’s the thing about the Bible and the importance of Theology, it’s a really old book that’s been translated dozens of times.

        Think about all the poems from the Middle Ages, originally written in English, that no longer make to people who don’t study the time period, or the various translation screw ups that we see in media from Japan that gets localized for America. Now multiply those by 20, and you understand why Bible Study is important for people of the faith, and why when you only have a surface level understanding you do really stupid things.

        Any fellow Red Dwarf fans remember the Seventh Day Advent Hopists? This is the kind of shit that’s making fun of… and for those who don’t watch the show, the character Arnold Rimmer mentions his family having a really silly religion in which, due to his family taking the Bible literally yet having a misprint that had “hope” spelled “hop”, they believed Jesus wouldn’t love them if they didn’t spend every Sunday hopping around like morons. (Because they never thought to actually study the context and just took their own understanding of an ancient text at face value, in case you’re wondering how that’s relevant)

        I can very easily make the argument that Jesus is completely cool with sucking dick (as long as you swallow instead of spit) simply because he once said that what goes into a man’s mouth isn’t as important as what comes out of it. If I both was a Christian and applied similar logic as the people I’m criticizing with this little rant, I could justify treating anyone who spat instead of swallowed when they gave head like absolute pond scum, even though that’s obviously not anything Jesus ever implied.

        There’s actually an old joke making fun of this exact issue that I’m going to end this spiel on, because I’m just gonna go in circles if I keep letting myself prattle on.

        “Did you know Jesus had a Honda, but he didn’t like to talk about it much? For it is written ‘I do not speak of my own Accord’”

        tl;dr - The Bible isn’t as homophobic as The Far Right Xtians claim, they’re just Homophobes who refuse to learn anything about their own religion.