🖕 Fuck PayPal
And fuck Linus Tech Tips for intentionally keeping quiet about this after they found out.
- Honey replaces affiliate cookies and affiliate links to theirs even if they did nothing to find or recommend the product. Thus, actual content creator who promoted that product get nothing from that purchase. (Even when honey finds no coupon code to apply, so they offered no value and stole the affiliate money)
- Honey partners with businesses to only show limited discount to the user, thus the only selling point of honey which is finding highest discount with ease is no longer valid.
I always assumed that they were tracking you and selling your data out the wazoo, which is why I never installed the extension, but the shit about the affiliate jacking and colluding with businesses is wild.
I did install it at some point, and let me assure you: you didn’t miss out on much.
I figured, there are already dozens if not hundreds of companies tracking my purchases, this one at least claims to give me some value in return. So I installed it in my online shopping profile.
Well, turns out that the stuff about finding coupons is utter bullshit. 6 or so online purchases on different stores in the span of a few months, and it didn’t find a single coupon. Complete garbage.
This is the type of innovation the west promotes
Somehow it’s still not the scummiest thing that PayPal does. Close though.
I found a YouTube link in your post. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
I had realized it was doing “Nothing™” so couldn’t figure out what the game was and figured it was purchased tracking at best and taking cents off the top at worst but neat to know that it was also basically a pyramid scheme as well to make their biggest promoters get paid better to get more people to sign up.
I actually like Wikibuy back when it was real and not bought by Citi or whoever trying to pump credit card sales. That actually searched other sites and stuff and had working coupons.
Miss deals other than a slightly cheaper worse Chinese products