for me, it’s having some kind of gargoyle or angel/demon statues on the edge of your HUD holding up your health and mana*removed*
for me, it’s having some kind of gargoyle or angel/demon statues on the edge of your HUD holding up your health and mana
Atlus has been killing it with their UI design since Persona 5 tbh
Persona 3 Reload has some of my favorite menus ever with the way the MC appears in the background & the Persona menu in general with each arcana having a quote
Metaphor, while not as stylish, still kino
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thanks babe sun’s up another day goes by look at the time fly comment vous dire? La vérité fini toujours par se découvrir, À chaque jour suffit sa peine, Chacun trouve chaussure a son pied, Le temps blanchi les têtes sans mûrir la raison.