This is going to sound weird. I had this epiphany about self love recently. I pictured myself as two different people and imagined what I would do for the other to show them I love them. It’s sort of changed my perspective on things, at least a little.
It’s not weird at all. My therapist had me imagine that part of me is an abandoned kitten, as a self-compassion exercise. It was extremely effective- compassion directed outwards is a lot easier for me, as it sounds like it is for you.
This is going to sound weird. I had this epiphany about self love recently. I pictured myself as two different people and imagined what I would do for the other to show them I love them. It’s sort of changed my perspective on things, at least a little.
It’s not weird at all. My therapist had me imagine that part of me is an abandoned kitten, as a self-compassion exercise. It was extremely effective- compassion directed outwards is a lot easier for me, as it sounds like it is for you.