Like he’s probably in his moms basement, laying in bed, thinking “fuck I didn’t expect to get this far.”
That or frantically looking up Gray Hounds to Mexico.
Like he’s probably in his moms basement, laying in bed, thinking “fuck I didn’t expect to get this far.”
That or frantically looking up Gray Hounds to Mexico.
Just realized do we know the gender? Ofc they could be any kind of sexuality and this e girl might appeal to them, but still, regardless, horrible opsec if you do that.
Fair point, edited
But hey I’m sure there’s hot e guys and NBs horny for them too.
Oh yeah and it wasn’t at all in a “misgendering” way, just don’t want erasure if somehow the shooter was a trans supersoldier or something. Like who knows, right? They were masked etc. Obviously the odds are it’s a dude (also if the shooter were trans it would be super bad for our trans comrades so I’m hoping it’s just a dude too)
there was a trans school shooter and it didn’t really change the conversation, bigots are gonna hate no matter what, i don’t think it matters. they’re still going on about bathroom predators despite it being a complete non issue, i don’t think they care what’s actually happening in the world.
And also white and also an American citizen by birth and also a republican
I sure as fuck am
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