Lmao, isn’t this the guy who voluntarily watched an alleged Destiny-Nick Fuentes sex tape to confirm it?
Shit how low Funetes/Destiny thing is now if even a dude like Pavlou make fun of it???
Go to see Hinckle constructively building a communist movement instead of dicking around on the internet
acp.us? 300+ members in the first 4 months since founding whatever you may think of him. 446 votes to get Christopher Helali elected in a Vermont county.
Sure, but which credible communist party has one of their leaders posting fake pornographic images of a woman on social media? It should be enough to kick him out of the party or else your entire party is one big joke (which it already is of course).
Must admit, for all the tactic was cursed I can’t claim any pity on Pavlou, maybe his mother (if she isn’t as wretched as the son she shat out). Definitely kick-out-of-party material but if this were the only questionable thing about Hinkle I can’t claim I’d not salute him and give a grin as he were on the way out.
Drew had made a fake escort page for his gf before. As well as dox his location in Venezuela to Colombian terrorists to get him killed. https://x.com/MhaskarChief/status/1864419576617795720 https://x.com/DrewpTranslator/status/1864631058437951710
In kind he posted a fake escort page, was it was pornographic? I haven’t been able to find the original in whole as it was deleted. Only Drew’s words.
The best outcome would them having been mutually banned, but I will take what I can get.