

Moving partially to Hexbear for the emojis and larger community (I’ll still be here and using this acc)

  • 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I, personally, would be very hesitant to point someone to Rumble (or Twitch) in general, rather than to specific channels, whether they’re on Rumble or Twitch.

    Same, though as I see it that extends to all large western platforms, really. Twitch is generally more inoffensive (because its focus tends to be gaming, and so long as one avoids the chuds most channels are more apolitical than ghoulish), that said.

    I didn’t exactly find the leftist channels I mentioned on Rumble, admittedly- they’re the reasons I use it (Syrianalysis and Richard Medhurst are demonetized, and now I suppose Africa Stream is banned on YT). I basically followed channels I had already been watching on YouTube, as a backup (or to support the creators who were being repressed by YT)

  • If you think that there is no capacity of leftist infiltration on Twitch, you’re wrong (see: all of the leftist streamers I listed above). And if you think that Rumble has any potential to harbor leftist content, you are wrong again.

    So, twitch, owned by Bezos, which complies with US repression is “open to leftist infiltration,” but Rumble, owned by Thiel, is not?

    I use both platforms, and I know of several leftist Rumble channels (Syrianalysis, Richard Medhurst, Danny Haiphong, Geopolitical Economy Report). Does that disprove your claims, or is the whole “Twitch is open to leftist infiltration because there are some leftists” bunk? (Frankly I think anywhere is open to leftist infiltration- right up until it isn’t, something that all imperial core-owned platforms can and will be subjected to)

    Twitch is more geared towards livestreams, also, whereas more… journalistic, academic, or analysis-focused content fits more with the Rumble/YouTube format.

  • IMO- as they are a settler-colonial state in the genocidal subjugation phase of colonization - the cruelty is the point.

    “White supremacy” and “settler supremacy” means nothing, until it is put into action. This is how it is done- through inflicting pain, humiliation, and suffering on the “ubtermensch.”

    This is how it was done in all western colonies; it is how it was done in the Anglo settler-states to the natives, and it was done to the enslaved blacks and their descendants, and even as society progressed such that the optics became worse (even among whites), these countless little cruelties and humiliations still remained, swept under the rug or downplayed, in order to assert their “place in the world” over that of their lessers.

    This is still how it is, across the west and wherever westoid-mentality westerners plague.

  • Couldn’t be bothered to watch the vid, but I think that- of course, on one hand, diversity and inclusion is always a good thing. And conscious, genuine progressivism is too.

    On the other hand, there is a very clear and (IMO) undeniable grifting industry of “wokeness,” which has appropriated the term (and maybe could be said to have predominantly usurped it) from its original contexts, to ply it for capital and virtue signalling (the liberal ie. capitalist equivalent of jerking themselves off to how great and enlightened they are- which naturally also then immediately gets used against all the “unwashed, colored, etc masses who are so barbaric and in need of western liberal civilization.”)

    Everyone can see this, one would have to be willfully ignorant not to see this. Western capital can congratulate themselves and flaunt how superior they are by making a play where historical slave owners and genocidaires are black and brown (how progressive!), turning a cartoon mermaid into a black woman (nothing wrong with that, but everyone knows the reboots suck- and no, global audiences having no interest does not mean they are somehow “racist”), or- as an example of the heights of barbarism they can utilize this for- bringing in the first black figurehead (POTUS) to destroy Africa’s most developed country, destroy black wealth/homeownership, engage in countless war crimes against black and brown people, and “pivot to Asia” to attempt to destroy the brightest light of development and recovery of the non-white, colonized, exploited peoples. Hell, capitalist virtue signaling can even be used to (and is widely being used to) whitewash literal industrial genocide and a white (ethnically Jewish) supremacist, apartheid ethnostate, as in the case of Isntreal. It can be used to whitewash literal, genuine, goosestepping Nazis (not neo-Nazis, Nazis) like those in Ukraine.

    The “sweet baby inc” debacle strikes me as pretty characteristic of this… “virtue industry” (which has no relation whatsoever to actual virtue and actually oftentimes contains an immense degree of deeply “unvirtuous” western chauvinism). For all that I’ve seen it strikes me as a issue of western faux-progressive liberal smuglords, trying to extort a dev from the other side of the world (China), failing, and crying about it to their fellow nepotists/western media circlejerkers that tout themselves as “journalism” (same as with world news journalism or any other kind of journalism- the west loves to get their nasty, grubby hands on it and claim to be the authority of all that is good and bad, true and untrue). And it strikes me also as western “journalism”- of which “gaming journalism/media” does not exist in some vacuum, or isolated from the collective west and western “journalistic” circles- collectively joining hands to shit on, falsify, slander, and wildly misrepresent the history and present reality of a Chinese gaming studio, as well as statements purportedly said (and mistranslated).

    So- yes, “woke” liberal media sucks. Not because they have a veneer of “diversity and inclusivity” (these things are genuinely positive), but because they’re the self-masturbatory abortions of the most deluded and smug of the vaunted capitalist “intelligentsia,” generally lacking any authenticity, substance, or anything beyond the omnipresent smugness of its creators.

    Actual woke (diverse, inclusive, actually progressive) media is awesome. The shit spewed by liberal smuglords has no relation (at most, it’s trying to appropriate and imitate- and failing hilariously).

  • Given that the community has to do with the capitalism exploration of video games and its decline, I’m not necesarilly looking at the art aspect but that one is less exploitable and less degrading then another to the person playing the game.

    Ah, fair enough. I just came in due to it being part of the 'grad/locals, so I wasn’t aware of the specific focus. In that case, open-source definitely wins out.

    Looking at SuperTuxKart, particularly after learning there’s mods also, my interest is greatly increased. Another game (though I never really played it much, I just really like the concept) that comes to mind is MUGEN (a freeware fighting game with a similarly large fan content community, admittedly not open-source). Apparently there’s a open-source reimplimentation called “Ikemen.”

    (Edit) also looking at your descriptions of the creative commons license- the Touhou games come to mind. I’ve not played any of the bullet hell ones (intend to eventually) but the fangames are pretty great.

    (Secondary edit) as for the “mainstream capitalism feel”- I don’t think that’s quite an accurate descriptor, admittedly. The better descriptor for the projects I was giving examples for (for instance, including great communist works of art, architecture, etc. as well as many things that predate capitalism) was- the products of large-scale, organized society. Open source can achieve similar works, I’m sure- but those are very few and far between, especially when the majority of people are trying to survive (something that remains an issue, albeit a less extreme one, as labor of varying degrees would still be required under socialism, at least for the foreseeable future).

  • What would you pick capitalist games, or open source games?

    Honestly? “Capitalist” (of varying degrees of capitalistic behavior, I suppose- even within AES countries) games, usually, for my preference.

    Indies are great. The DLC model, when done right (not microtransactions, but additional content over a long lifespan) is great. Even the gacha model can be utilized amazingly IMO- as several games I enjoy (Genshin, HSR, ZZZ, Reverse:1999, WuWa- all developed in China) have shown.

    When and if the profit incentive goes away with games, I still think that the development of games and other certain kinds of works (assuming that other advancements do not massively simplify/reduce the work required for such works, and/or the need for labor in general still remains- something that won’t be going away for a long time probably) will benefit best from, and reach its largest scopes and most broad appeal, through a concerted effort and vision, with heavy incentives (perhaps through other means than monetary profit, if society has truly moved past it).

    All AES societies, for instance, have sponsored their own works of art (in various formats- statues and monuments, paintings and posters, music, performances, showpiece architecture, film, etc). IMO there comes a point where incentives and a centralization of varying degrees is necessary so as to produce certain kinds of works, or to produce certain large scales of work. IMO this is the case for big-budget/labor intensive works of all kinds, and for works that may require consistent maintenance, updates, or upkeep costs (for instance, multiplayer servers, or software updates/patches, etc). This is not to say the capitalist system is the ideal environment for such developments- of course it is not, far from it. But beyond a certain scale, or in regards to things which require a consistent upkeep/expertise/etc- there does require a system (for instance, a socialist system) to incentivize and direct efforts in a cohesive direction- whether that be through the profit motive, or through the “sponsorship” motive, or whatever else.

    If I were to compare it- well, there is no universal metric to art or enjoyment. There’s no reason why Super Tux Kart (which I’m sure is very enjoyable) should be considered inherently worse or lesser than, say, Mario Kart, Forza, or Need for Speed. And in regards to art and enjoyment, similarly, there’s no reason why a cozy Soviet cabin (which would be great in its own right as well) would be any worse or lesser than Lenin’s Mausoleum, the Moscow Metro, or St. Basil’s Cathedral. But it’s hard to see how the latter examples could have been made “open-source,” so to speak, and while I don’t doubt that “open-source” models of development (for games, or for other works incl. non-artistic/enjoyment focused ones- hell, even for things like research, production, etc) even in our current phase of human development (which has not moved past scarcity and will likely not anytime soon if ever) would certainly achieve some works of comparable immense scale- I do not think they would be anywhere near as numerous as those that have been developed through concerted, incentive-driven, organized societies (capitalist and pre-capitalist, as well as socialist alike).

    I will check out the open-source games mentioned here, though. I enjoy games of varying scopes, variety is always nice. But some things I think tend to require (not always, but tend to) more than just open-source.