Afaik this happened with every single instance of a communist country. Communism seems like a pretty good idea on the surface, but then why does it always become autocratic?
Afaik this happened with every single instance of a communist country. Communism seems like a pretty good idea on the surface, but then why does it always become autocratic?
“power corrupts” - Steve Job
Marx knows how much I loathe this actual quote. It’s a massive self-report in one respect and on another, more Nietzschean, level doesn’t anyone ever stop to consider why the ruling class would tell the masses:
"Oh no, power is terrible!! If you touch power or, worse yet, accumulate and maintain control of power then it’s going to be disastrous for you both in a practical sense and especially on a moral level.
It’s best if you eschew all power at every opportunity. Don’t use it. Learn to loathe it. It will corrupt you and all that you care for. Leave it. Refuse it. Just say no.
(Just let us take care of controlling power)."
There couldn’t be a more convenient quote for protecting the interests of the status quo. Honestly, is there anything more dripping with ressentiment than the cultural beliefs and the message embedded in that quote?
“Hmm, I was not aware that I was an expression.”
Sent from Mdewakanton Dakota lands / Sept. 29 1837
Treaty with the Sioux of September 29th, 1837
“We Will Talk of Nothing Else”: Dakota Interpretations of the Treaty of 1837
It’s semi-ironic.
I’m a non-believer and reactionaries like to level the accusation that we worship figures like Marx and Lenin so figure I’ll just turn that into an in-joke instead of trying to convince some chud that, no, I do not have a shrine to revolutionary figures in my house which I supplicate to and, no, I do not treat Capital like it’s a holy text.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
Ah, so that’s why they switched to x86
Kevin Bacon
Sent from Mdewakanton Dakota lands / Sept. 29 1837
Treaty with the Sioux of September 29th, 1837
“We Will Talk of Nothing Else”: Dakota Interpretations of the Treaty of 1837
what’s ligma?
its a cop out by morons with no understanding of why things happen so they just repeat this mantra to return stability to their ignorant and unquestioning selves.