Tl;dr Chinese lab grown meat and plant based meat is potentially going to undermine the American factory farms in production and price.

The article even brings up how it’s better for the planet than clearing forests to grow crops to feed animals for meat. But at what cost?!?!?

Also the title was even more red scare-y when first published.

  • DragonBallZinn [he/him]
    1 month ago

    Once again ol’ porko doesn’t like the free-market when someone else gets to enjoy an upside of it.

    Employers being spoiled for choice when it comes to hiring? Making it impossible to get a job? That’s good ol’ capitalism baby. Just bootstraps your own job!

    Consumers get to have an option of Chinese products of higher quality and for cheaper? Nooooo! Gobermint pls help! Protectionism NOW!