Reddit has been on a spree of banning Communist subreddits. (These subreddits have been recreated on Lemmygrad and Hexbear.)

(What worries me is that this banning spree could spread to distributist subreddits, like r/distributism.)

Now I got curious about the censorship on Distributism. I don’t know of an actual instance where Distributism has ever been censored, unlike socialism. (I don’t think it has been censored; probably because it’s an unpopular economic system.)

  • @southerntofu
    32 years ago

    Hello, so i was not aware of distributism but apparently it’s just a lightweight version of anarchism which is framed so as not to frighten the bourgeoisie (so you end up talking about “distributing” power and resources instead of abolishing domination).

    In that sense, from what i can read i see no reason distributist propaganda would be censored. It seems compatible with liberal democracy, national socialism, marxism-leninism and almost any ideology… i mean it goes against those ideologies but in such a subtle and non-threatening way that i don’t believe there would be much incentive for them to censor it.

    But to be fair, given that distributism seems forked off anarchism, we have to mention that anarchist discourse/propaganda was often banned and censored throughout history, and that the first international conference (in Rome) of police from across the planet was a conference on the peril of anarchism (which later gave birth to Interpol), and that secret polices were already cooperating against anarchists (for example Okhrana (RU) and Sûreté de l’État (FR)). Many anarchists were jailed or otherwise assassinated throughout the world (see Haymarket Square, Lois scélérates, etc) and some had their entire writings seized and destroyed by police (such as Lucy Parsons whose entire collection was disappeared by the State after her death).

    PS: There is no censorship of communism on Reddit, there’s still plenty of communist/socialist/anarchist subs having serious discussion. It appears though that some “communist” communities were banned for pro-Putin propaganda and misinformation… which i personally think is fair but should also apply to pro-US/FR propaganda.

    • AmiceseOP
      1 year ago

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