Edit: this appears to be fixed now: https://lemmy.ml/post/22203615/14801411

All images in posts on lemmy.ml are currently being resized to 256px on the longest dimension (width/height), even if they are image posts, not intended to be just article thumbnails.

Is this an intentional change? It makes text in images illegible and means that I have to view the original post to see the original image on every image post.

If this is a deliberate space-saving measure, could it be tuned for a little better usability? For example, increasing the maximum size of image when the post is an image post (as opposed to a web link that generates a thumbnail) and setting a size threshold to trigger resize (ie. most small images could be left alone).

Some examples from my feed:

  • hotspur
    3 个月前

    I’m also noticing this. Since many of the posts are screen caps of text, this is making many posts completely illegible. The artifacting makes the text unreadable.