The “This won’t ever happen to me” vibe is very strong in Germany. We even have a fire service related joke term for it. Let me introduce you to the “St. Florians-Prinzip”, the “principle of St. Florian”, which is centered on the idea of praying to St. Florian, the patron saint of firefighters, to spare your own house, but to light someone else’s on fire instead:
Oh heiliger Sakt Florian,
verschon unser Haus,
zünd’ and’re an.
(This principle is also often used to describe NIMBYism)
Even if it’s not required, someone should have considered the schadenfreude and PR disaster from something like this happening.
The “This won’t ever happen to me” vibe is very strong in Germany. We even have a fire service related joke term for it. Let me introduce you to the “St. Florians-Prinzip”, the “principle of St. Florian”, which is centered on the idea of praying to St. Florian, the patron saint of firefighters, to spare your own house, but to light someone else’s on fire instead:
Oh heiliger Sakt Florian,
verschon unser Haus,
zünd’ and’re an.
(This principle is also often used to describe NIMBYism)