“It’s far from clear if the Ukrainian strategy will succeed.”

  • Southern Boy
    4 months ago

    I liked how Michael Hudson explained it recently on Geopolitical Economy Report, he said the strategy for Ukraine was based on flawed narrative based decisions and the mistaken belief that the Russian economy was weak and would collapse.

    Therefore actual military strategy was always out of the question as the goal was not winning but grinding things out until the Russians deal with Putin for us.

    Understanding this plan requires layers of delusion beyond the more obvious lies about Russia not being provoked. After all it can be understood that seeing this conflict defensively, Russia cannot opt out of the Ukraine war due to a change in risk versus reward. If it were a land grab this might be possible. But there hasn’t been an effective change in risk versus reward for Russia either. Instead, the time limit is on Europe, as Russia’s economy is strengthened by the global realignment to the south.