The TLS certificate is not valid
I did a woopsy, forgot to make the changes permanent, and my server auto-updated, won’t happen again
Better not or will expect the refund immediately
That’s pretty impressive actually. Good use of scaling the pic.
Nice I feel I should apologise for the tomato craze, maybe it wasn’t a great suggestion lol
I dunno, I think the result is fabulous. I still don’t know why everyone was so obsessed with tomatoes, but this website is great fun.
Excellent work! I formally propose an easter egg that changes the image to tow-mater from cars the movie.
Not worky
Worky now
It’s a good website. If I could humbly suggest: next time, more tomate.
Skill issue, just click faster and more tomatoes will appear 🙄
Thank you! 💕 My issue is resolved. 👏
Why is there no easter egg for painting the whole canvas :(
tomato website where you can throw tomatoes on a photo. website with tomatoes
This would especially be great if one could upload their photos but if you decide to include a few of your own please add a photo of trump.
Bonus if you make an easter egg where when you throw one tomato at trump it doesn’t apply a tomato effect and instead changes to the picture of him being shot.
I want a website where you can throw tomatoes to a photo you select
Make one that just says you’re wrong. Then we can always go “Oh yeah? Well this website says you’re wrong”
Oooh maybe it could take in a name as query parameter so it would say “Sorry [name], you’re wrong”
Perfect ✨
Website where you click a catboy to make him spin, and the faster you click the faster he spins
Amazing! Can you add a high score tracker?
There ya go
Awesome!! 3348 is the best I can get 😁
Provide me with the catboy picture
Go to r/catboys
does this count?
legally it’s a femboy but close enough
A page that just says “Made you look” and a visitor counter.
I’m the first
number 17 reporting in
71 here
84 hehe
138 !
Since everyone here is obsessed with tomatoes, I suggest a site that has the visitors vote on whether it’s a fruit or a vegetable, and then just redirects to a dancing tomato instead of the results.
Can you make a similar webpage that Homer Simpson made with all the random things you found on the internet and a visitor count?
tomato website, throw tomatoes
pull a random image from imgflip and a random text from `fortune-mod’, add it as caption and post the result when you click a button.
Website that puts cobwebs on another website chosen by the user (via an iframe?)
I’m not quite sure how that could be done…
I can’t modify the contents of other websites embedded as iframes. The other option would be to make a request in my server and modify the content and then pass that, but then I’d be hosting an unsecured proxy which I don’t want to do.
The only good way to do this would be with a browser extension, which I haven’t got a clue on how to create. :/
Couldn’t you just overlay some cobweb pngs over the iframe? And on scroll of the iframe you could move them accordingly.
Thats what i had in mind… :( i guess the world is more secure now but it dont work no more
This made me laugh
beautiful. 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Dang. Well time to write a browser engine in JavaScript! (Or do this server side)
i’m not a developer, but if somehow you could “screenshot” the target website, and present it in the website to “modify/gamify”.
much like how google lighthouse takes screenshots of those target website speed check.
Oooh spookify, I like that idea.
You could do “spooky vision” from South Park
A website where I click a button and it cleans my room for me.
I prefer clean room to dirty room, so I clean room. Thankfully, this is true even when I am depressed.
tomato. tomato website. website with a tomato on it.
A website where you are shown 3 images of three different writing pens. You are tasked with guessing which pen is the most expensive.
He could partner up with
Clicking on that link felt like a victory
This website can be made, but it requires a dataset.
Does it really? It’s only 3 pens.
I was figuring 12 pens and having them randomized.
A website that asks for 4 check boxes to be marked, to progress to the next page (maybe for a million dollars?)
But every time you add the check to the fourth checkbox, one of the other checkboxes unmarks itself. So you click that one, and a different one unmarks. Lol.
I’ll contribute some clicks to this. Make a single ad at the bottom of the page that rotates every time the 4th box resets, but only ads for Lemmy