So as you know I am Palestinian ,I am from Nablus and I live there ,I have a friend from Gaza who I have known for a year before the war had started .

he was born and raised in Gaza and even lived in Gaza during the war for about 7 months before managing to go to Egypt ,I’ve asked my Friend if he’s okay with this and he has said yes and the mods have approved of my request as well

So come on ,you’re not gonna get this chance again

ask him anything

    • MohammedTheCommunistPalestinian [he/him]@hexbear.netOP
      1 month ago

      هو حقا الوضع صعب جدا لكن انت عارفه ما بحب اطلب من حدا مساعدة

      و ما بدي كمان يفكرون أنه نحن شحاتين

      صحيح ما في حدا بشتغل حاليا و حياتنا واقفة لكن عنا عزة نفس ما بتخلينا نطلب

      He says it’s very hard but he doesn’t want help and he doesn’t want People to think he’s a beggar ,its true that there is no work right now and our life has stopped but we have pride that makes us not ask

      On how to help,he says you could help gazan people with money because the financial is catastrophic and you should post about the Palestinian cause and go to protests

      افكر اسافر على اوروبا أو امريكا أعيش حياة كريمه اعيش ما تبقى من حياتي

      He says he wants to go to Europe or the USA and live a good life ,what remains of his life

      He says he feel shy to ask for financial help because its the 1st time in his life in which he needs help from others

      I’ve told him to accept help and he’s accepted

      If you’re able to financially help him then please do

      • SadArtemis [she/her]
        1 month ago

        What amounts would be meaningful to him? And would he be open to, say, starting a GoFundMe or alternatively finding other ways for people pooling money (say, sending you small amounts till it adds up to something significant and then you could send him in one lump sum) to aid him, as most people can probably at least spare small amounts (which may be little even after currency conversion, but would add up to something) and would want to?

        Also- though best not to get his hopes up yet (and hell if I know if I even could), so probably not best to mention/translate this part yet- but, from seeing another comment in here talking about marriage as a means of escape- I would have to talk to others and figure it out, and I’m trans and not exactly looking for a relationship (in a poly relationship) so it wouldn’t likely be a real thing if anything were to come out of it. But from the sounds of it, he is open to the idea of marriage as a means of- well, having a more secure place and perhaps more resources to save his family?

        This secondary part can probably be mentioned, on the other hand (and maybe others might have interest in offering the same, or pooling together our efforts/resources to work towards the same). But if he is trying to leave Egypt as it sounds, medium-term (ie. over several months, by the end of the year) it is probably not out of the question that money could be pooled (and while I’m poor I could hypothetically aid in such a way) that he could be aided in purchasing a ticket to a western country, despite all the problems that also exist here. If he has interest, while I have no experience in this regard I also could certainly reach out to people and look into what resources may be available to aid him in doing so to get here (in Canada), and what resources there might be to help him through a refugee/etc. process. I have the time and am willing to offer it, and I imagine others do for their respective regions as well.

        • MohammedTheCommunistPalestinian [he/him]@hexbear.netOP
          1 month ago

          المشكلة انا مش عارف كيف اقدم لجوء ل كندا و رح اقدم لجوء من خلال محامي, في اول الشهر اكتوبر

          He wants to immigrate to Canada but doesn’t know how and he’s trying to hire a lawyer for this in the beginning of October

          اريد مبالغ لكن ليست المبالغ هائلة فقط اريد ان احصل على حياة كريمه و أن أسافر لكي اساعد اهلي و اكون ما تبقى في مستقبلي

          يلي اريد حاليا اي فرصة لكي اسافر سوا لاوروبا أو كندا

          He doesn’t want a big amount ,just enough ti get a good life and make the rest of his future to help my family ,I want any chance to go to Europe or the Canada

          في عندي طرق تانيه لتجميع الأموال من خلال البريد الالكتروني او USDT

          He has another way of getting money through Email or USDT ,also the email written in the comments is the email of his friend from Egypt whom he trusts and not his actual email

          لكن انا مش من نوع الأشخاص يلي يتزوجون من أجل مصلحة فاهم عليا ما بدي انها تشعر اني تزوجتها من أجل جواز السفر

          He told me to b patient because he was Shocked ,I am not the type of Person to marry for person gain ,I don’t want her to think I married her for her passport

          احكيلها أنه هو صغير في سن لا يفكر في زواج حاليا

          Tell her he’s young and not thinking about marriage

          لكن المسج الثالث منه أن شاء الله لما اقدم لجوء رح اقول لها شو اشياء لأزمة

          The 3rd message ,when I push for immigration , will tell her what’s needed

          و قدم لها شكرا كبير و كتير مني

          Thank her very very much

          Thank you so much (my friend)

          لانها لديها انسانيه و شخص عظيم يحاول يساعد في اقل الامكانيات

          Because she has great humanity and try’s to help people with limited resources

          • SadArtemis [she/her]
            1 month ago

            I can ask around here what can be done to help, in regards to the lawyer and whatnot. No promises though that anything meaningful will come of it, so no need to translate this.

            You can tell him I’ll do what I can, and that I also have received immense help before and would not be alive without it (though my situations were nothing like his). And that I also know how it is like being too proud to beg, etc. And I appreciate his response, and wish for the best for him and his family.

          • SadArtemis [she/her]
            1 month ago

            Ah ok, no worries then. In regards to the pooling of money, I would still be interested in knowing what minimum amounts could be meaningful and if such a process would be of interest (and am still offering to try to look up and try to connect him with resources here, since he wants to get out).

            • MohammedTheCommunistPalestinian [he/him]@hexbear.netOP
              1 month ago

              لا اريد أن أقول أنني أريد تعويض عن بيتي الذي أصبح غير صالح للحياة أو عن سياره او مزرعتنا و عملي يلي خسرته و شركة ابويا و اخويا يلي تدمرت انا فقط اريد الخروج من مصر لكي اكون مستقبلي و اعيش في حرية اكتر

              فقط يلي أريده حاليا هو مبلغ يساعدني على سفر

              • SadArtemis [she/her]
                1 month ago

                I used google translate to understand this- but in regards to the travel I would be interested in chipping in (to my understanding flights from Egypt to Canada would be around the 1000$ CAD range, probably others can find for less), by the end of the year or into the new year certainly. It would be best if others can also be found to pool resources, perhaps from here or elsewhere (and I’ll ask around about what might exist here).

                • MohammedTheCommunistPalestinian [he/him]@hexbear.netOP
                  1 month ago

                  احكيلها اما الهجرة ف لسا في بداية شهر أكتوبر رح يقدم و احكي لها شكرا كتير لانك تحاولي مساعدة في اي طريقة وهذا يعني لي الكثير

                  صحيح تذكرة طيران حوالي ب الف دولار لكن طلب هجرة يريد شهور لكي يقبل واحيانا سنة

                  و لسا يوجد تكاليف المحامي و انا خايف أن طلبي لا يوافقوا عليه