Assuming this community is THE official (whatever that means) Emacs Lemmy community, how do we bring and serve more people?

Do we go around putting links to here? do we “duplicate” content from other place here so it has more content? do we wait until people get tired of reddit?

  • @highduc
    1610 months ago

    I think it will just happen organically. The “official” community will be the one that has the most posts and comments (and therefore people too).

    Posting links to relevant emacs stuff would help get some momentum so if you feel inclined to do that I’m sure it’ll help.

  • Howard
    710 months ago

    Yeah, critical mass… Perhaps I should stop lurking and post. 🤓

    210 months ago

    I think the main thing is to engaging with people who do post here. If there’s activity here then people are more likely to join and stay.

    210 months ago

    I think duplicating posts is fine in this case. That is, links can be shared on multiple link sharing sites without infringing on the original creator.

    Pure comment threads not based on a link could be hard for now, particularly with the fragmentation between tiny emacs communities on lemmy. It would be nice to have regular tips and tricks threads, or ask anything threads, but there needs to be enough of an audience for those to work, and limiting the frequency with which they’re posted might not work if most users are sorting posts with a recency component in the sorting criteria. I don’t know that trying would hurt, but it might take a bit for participation to grow.