My thoughts: this was not an accident. This was testing the waters.
I wonder what the person who absolutely insisted to me yesterday that this wasn’t about black people in general would have to say about this…
My thoughts: this was not an accident. This was testing the waters.
I wonder what the person who absolutely insisted to me yesterday that this wasn’t about black people in general would have to say about this…
Nope. I also don’t care about the downvotes in my previous comment despite you thinking that downvotes mean everything here.
If you downvote this comment? I don’t care.
If this comment gets downvoted 10,000 times, I still won’t care.
Believe it or not, you can’t make me give a shit about fake internet points.
Also, based on your link, aren’t you supposed to be contextualizing your argument right now?
downvoting means i dont think you are adding anything useful to the conversation. I see you learnd to do it yourself at last! You started all this off by posting a false dichotomy and acting like I had asserted it. Everything youve posted since has been waffle. THE VOTING SYSTEM ISSSSS THE SITE. ITS HOW IT WORKS!
Cool, still don’t care.
If you don’t think I’m adding anything useful, you’re free to stop responding to me any time.
maybe you need to go and do something else for a while!
Nope, I’m just fine. I’m not the one getting all het up here.
kinda looks like it :/ more baseless personal attacks.
If you say so. And yet I still don’t care if I’m downvoted. Or if someone doesn’t like what I have to say. Or if they feel I don’t contribute to the discussion.
I don’t know you or anything about you. Your opinion of me has no relevance. I’m only even talking to you because I’m bored and waiting for my kid’s next class to start.
Flying Squid is a stay at home dad and he argues/posts on Lemmy all day, every day. Not sure he knows what grass is.
He’s clearly an objective, rational person with totally real friends