Introducing the all new quintuple-decker bus! A vehicle that definitely has no issues due to a high center of gravity. First-class seats can see right over the poor people.
Make it electric and stuff the first deck with batteries. No more high center of gravity.
This is going to totally fuck up our ability to express the height of things.
Seems like a MASSIVE liability, though I don’t know the actual size because for all I know, the street behind the houses may be a higher elevation.
It’s almost certainly a perspective thing, double deckers are <5m tall.
Just in case you’re being serious - this is a joke post. You can see the guard rails behind the bus; it’s not several stories high.
Lol, okay I figured. Can’t be too sure when the fucking briish are involved.
There’s the fucking British and then there’s the no-fucking British. Make sure you check the label before interacting.
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Quadruple-decker bus