I wonder if she wasn’t female if they would use the word “Saucier”
First thing I thought as well. If she wasn’t a woman it would be something like “sharp, more direct.”
But hey, at least we noticed the gendered language? That’s……something.
What’s the male gender equivalent? language to saucier? Spicier? Trollier? Combative?
Harris launches bare-knuckle attack while her pendulous balls swing.
“Swing low, sweet chariots. I prefer mine au naturale.” -Creed Bratton maybe.
That is something a lot of people would pay to see.
Probably “tough” or “passionate”, though you could just look at one of the “both sides” titles they use for Trump’s tirades.
That really depends on if she had a husband or a wife. I can see them calling a queer man saucy, I can’t imagine a straight man running for president being called saucy
…she’s totally going to make him drop the n-word.
Ridiculing him until he ego makes him crack is not a terrible idea, and it’s pretty damn entertaining.
Would it be? I feel like his supporters would take it as a sign that they can also openly use it without consequences.
Without consequences?
What do they always say? Fuck around and find out?
Might not be great for Biden’s unemployment numbers… but worth it.
Yeah, they thought they were going to storm the Capitol without consequences, too…
There are many Trump supporters who don’t think Trump is racist. In the same way many Trump supporters don’t think he is at fault for Jan 6th. He didn’t literally tell his followers exactly what to do. They just happened to do exactly what he wanted then to do (until they failed).
The same is true for viewing Trump as racist. He can dog whistle all he wants. He can align himself with other racists, but he isn’t racist because he didn’t say the exact words.
You are right that for some people, him saying something gives them the freedom to say it (in their view). However for a sizable portion it will be clear proof that yes, he is racist. Not 100% mind you, cults are hard to leave, but 5%? 10%? Elections are won/lost in the margins and those are sizable margins.
If course I don’t actually want it to happen. There is enough hate in the world and we don’t need more.
Make the consequences you want to see in the world.
8 years ago Hillary got in trouble for calling them deplorable. Oh how the turn tables…
And the hit dogs hollered.
Just like when Obama said they were clinging to their guns and bibles.
The difference is that a lot of people strongly hated the Clintons. So any slip from her was a reason for the opposition to pounce.
Kamala has so much swagger that even Republicans are supporting her. It doesn’t help that so many people are disgusted with Trump. So If Kamala slips, she turns it into a backflip and the opposition are too busy infighting to mount a attack.
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Her quote never really felt that outrageous. She wasn’t even calling all Trump supporters “deplorable”. Here’s her quote
“You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right?” Clinton said. “The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic—you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.” She said the other half of Trump’s supporters “feel that the government has let them down” and are “desperate for change.” “Those are people we have to understand and empathize with as well,” she said.
Yeah, as usual she was pretty astute. If she had her husbands charisma and wasent vilified unjustly for decades, the above would not have been turned against her.
Actually, she only used “the basket of deplorables” to reference the most extreme group, who could never be converted or made to listen to reason, and were therefore not worth wasting resources on or trying to appease. In contrast to generic Republicans who might not yet be part of the Trump Cult. It was her tiny push to the left against the “sell out everything you stand for in order to pick up votes” strategy, but it was seized upon, twisted into how you’re remembering it, and backfired against her.
Two very good replies. I’ll add to them.
No, she specifically called out the racist, sexist, anti-gay, anti-trans jerks that thought the only worthwhile people in this country were White Anglo-Saxon Protestant Males. The Media turned this truthful comment into a big hubbub and inflamed people against the comment, implanting the meme idea in your head that she was calling anyone who didn’t vote for her deplorable. Her mistake was running away from that comment when it became clear the ‘liberal’ (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahahahaha…) Press was going to hit her over it, rather than sticking up for herself and saying “I was clear that not every voter who votes against me is deplorable, but nevertheless, a large portion of Trump’s voter-base is the kind of person I’d call deplorable!”
No, you do not recall correctly.
So they voted for the guy with a galactic scale ego.
his new tactic was on display at last week’s Democratic National Convention, where Harris described Trump as “an unserious man” while also arguing that “the consequences of putting Donald Trump back in the White House are extremely serious.”
Such ruthless. Very sauce. Wow.
Yes, more of this. Belittle the orange man. Call him small. Call him sad. Call him pathetic.
I really enjoyed the video calling Trump a chicken.
I just hope she doesn’t go too far. I’m all for calling Trump out, but I don’t want Harris to cross the line and look like a bully.
Serious question:
What would it look like for Harris or the DNC to be a bully to trump?
A LOT, actually. The more I think about it, the less realistic this concern seems. I’m glad you asked. Thanks!
Fucking glorious.
I don’t think she’s going to mock any disabled reporters, mock dead troops, or rape women and girls, so it should be fine.
Plus, literally everyone loves seeing a bully get their comeuppance.
The Dems high road and the GOP bottom of the barrel distance is now staggering, there is plenty of space to ridicule those weird fuckers. Fighting the reprehensible is never bullying.
As long as he’s wearing his lifts, she’ll always be punching up.