Dr. Deborah Brosnan, a climate and ocean scientist, predicts that Earth could eventually become uninhabitable for humans given the grave state of the planet
It grows and closes seasonally. It’s because it needs solar radiation to do the chemical reaction and stuff just builds up in the winter and then makes a big hole in the summer.
Anyone else notice the amusing edit fail?
Hey doc, wrong environmental crisis. We already took steps to save the ozone layer
You say that but the ozone layer hole actually started to grow again in the past few years.
probably because we stopped giving a fuck
It grows and closes seasonally. It’s because it needs solar radiation to do the chemical reaction and stuff just builds up in the winter and then makes a big hole in the summer.
I stopped using hairspray in the 80’s
Thank you
I did not.
No! This isn’t good enough, I want a cookie dam it!
Earth beyond six of nine planetary boundaries