When viewing a feed or a community, you can view either the posts or the comments.

These comments are presented in a flattened “Chat room” style structure with replies and parents disconnected.

Having always thought that kbin provided a microblogging interface like mastodon, I’ve only recently worked out (though I might be wrong) that it’s actually a microblogging-like view of conversations in their communities.

That is, it’s a “comments” view that isn’t flattened but retains comment threads. Which is something we could do here.

Not entirely sure we would want it or that it should be done, but my immediate reaction is that it might actually be nice, especially for getting a sort of “birds eye” view of what’s happening in a relatively focused community.

The unit of such a view would be, as I see it, top level comments to posts, presented with all replies in a indented/hierarchical format. Which is exactly the same as the view of the comments to a post, including all of the sorting options at the top.

So, a “threaded comments” view of a whole feed or community would simply be the merge of all of the comment views of all posts in the feed or community.

This seems viable (without knowing the technical details of implementing it).


  • Fenzik
    1 year ago

    Maybe we don’t mean the same thing. Comments on Lemmy are indented and under their parent comments, just like on Reddit, and you can follow the conversation that way. That’s what I mean by threading.