I was not expecting the “self-obsessed rich guys […] who cannot run a live stream in the year 2024” 😂🤣😂🤣
I love this.
also “whatever that was on [twitter]”
perfectly dismissive. the campaign team is some of the best we’ve seen from democrats. they know how to speak to people without making it robotic and boring like democrats usually do. that’s why this weird thing has been working too.
And I’ve been noticing it’s shifting how I think of these people. There’s a guy in the periphery of communities I’m a part of who has been a real creep to multiple friends of mine and is a right wing gun nut. Before this change in tone I’d been thinking “lunatic” but since I’ve been thinking “pathetic”. Not sympathetic pathetic, but like “grow the fuck up, you’re a grown ass man who can’t move on when a woman you like doesn’t like you back”. I’m not seeing him as any less dangerous, but before the fact that these types were losers was secondary to the fact that they’re dangerous but it’s flipped to me. They’re losers who make their issues everyone’s problems.
fascists love being feared; it makes them feel powerful. fascism is entirely based around male insecurity, which is why the need to put women in their place is so central to their world view. so pathetic insecure losers who can’t deal with their own failures would take the deal of being feared but feeling powerful for it in a heartbeat.
that’s why “oh no they’re fascists and they’re coming for us” doesn’t work. a lot of people find that enticing. what they can’t stand is being reminded how pathetic they are.
weird works especially well because a huge part of these people’s narrative is how they’re normal people and all those trans people and homosexuals and blue haired women and people who don’t want to have children are degenerate and abnormal. so when you start pointing out that they’re weird, they can’t stand it.
Exactly. And like, just seriously think about that desire for a second. What fucking losers they are to want to be feared. They need to grow the fuck up and learn to coexist with their fellow humans like the rest of us
So refreshing if she wins and that country goes back to the old status quo of center right vs far right, but none from far far far right with dictator wet dreams.
No sarcasm, I’m just tired of orange man politics in my country news and lemmy feed. After hearing the same old jokes 100x they wear out.
i think democratic voters are no longer satisfied with the old center right party. not only has the left gained some legitimacy among the public (at least compared to before which was nonexistent), the party has been very slowly moving in that direction as well.
to biden’s credit, i would never think it was possible in the US to do what he did for unions, but he opened the door. and now the democrats are running on labor rights. the first solo appearance walz did was at a union. that is a massive shift to the left compared to just a decade ago.
it really is exciting. I’d say I’m on the edge of my seat but i wouldn’t want to give Vance any ideas.
I honestly think Trump will see that and be happy that “at least she said I’m rich”.
I’m pretty sure he’s happy anytime his name is in print somewhere because he’s got a bit of an attention addiction.
As much as I wish politics could be more civil, I’m glad that Democrats are finally playing the same game as Republicans and getting a bit rude.
That line had me rolling! It was more of a bash against Musk than Trump, but that’s the point! Musk is Trump’s target audience.
She’s saying the shit on letter head (more classy this way?) that Trump is saying on Truth Social (and now X-Twitter again?) with two differences:
It’s mostly factual, with some opinions.
Those opinions are extremely relatable. It’s actually what many of us have been thinking, and posting, for some time now.
I think it’s about time the Dems stop playing nice and start “speaking plainly” like the GOP does. Grow a backbone and stand up for yourself. Sometimes, ignoring the bully isn’t enough.
Also, just when I think the Dems should pull back on the Couchgate rhetoric, I remember all the bullshit GOP has said about Dems just because someone on the internet said it. In fact, Donald Trump just did that with the AI scandal. At least the Dems thing is funny!
“Facts don’t care about your feelings.” - Conservatives
“Fuck your feelings” - Conservatives
“Fuck your facts” - Conservatives
Dems, using that logic: Okay, you’re weird and creepy.
GOP: 😭Not our feelings! Only your feelings! How disrespectful and nasty!
Notice the word “your”. They’d never say “our”.
Why is this image being used? That punk likely doesn’t give a shit about what most white guys think.
Is this something that happened in the livestream? 😂
Ooh. She hit him with the “I don’t even know what that was!”
That was the nail in the Trump Biden debate. So it’s gotta sting a bit for the old weirdo.
what happened with the livestream? i did not (and will not) watch it but I’m curious what problems they had
The interview, which was hosted on X Spaces and scheduled to begin at 8PM ET Monday night, crashed immediately and didn’t begin until 42 minutes later.
18 minutes after the conversation was supposed to begin, Musk claimed that X was the target of a “massive DDOS attack” that had made it impossible for the Space to proceed as planned.
The rest of X appears to be working normally, however, and a source at the company confirmed to The Verge that there wasn’t actually a denial-of-service attack. Another X staffer said there was a “99 percent” chance Elon was lying about an attack
claimed that X was the target of a “massive DDOS attack”
That’s such a stupid lie too. A much better one would be “so many people were trying to watch it and it crashed!”
With all the bullshit these people spew on a daily basis you’d think they’d be better at it…
But he’s always gotta be a victim–ddos makes him one. Those trans gender hackers are trying to make him look bad or whatever.
Too many people coming to watch reminds the alphas and lone wolves that there’s a lot of others alphas and lone wolves which kinda defeats the whole “there can only be 1” mentality a lot of them like to reserve for themselves. Ok so that’s a stretch but who tf knows with these people anymore
More like Elon’s narcissism won’t let him admit that his beloved company made a mistake.
Then again, how hard would it be to DDOS a live stream? I would probably celebrate if it turns out the gay furry hackers came back for round 2.
In which case it was a distributed denial of service. But it wasn’t an intentional attack, we wanted to hear you dig your graves more, it was the result of your shitty software not able to hold any kind of load.
Wikipedia has an entry on it https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slashdot_effect
While I’m not sure that a flash crowd is a DoS, it is extremely similar to a DDoS attack making it difficult to detect.
I think a flash crowd is distinct from a DoS, tho. Even if flash crowds can often be initially categorised as a DDoS
When you’re an idiot, a DDOS attack and actual web traffic are indistinguishable.
Especially when you fire/drive out the majority of your operations and security teams.
What, Musk lying?? How unusual.
“massive DDOS attack”
“by the Dems” of course. It’s not precise unless you’re creating an enemy. With followers adding on crazy shit like “must be the FBI and CIA”.
Couldn’t be that Musk doesn’t know how to run Twitter. No. A conspiracy makes much more sense.
Musk claimed that X was the target of a “massive DDOS attack”
Me: Please be the gay furry hackers!
Another X staffer said there was a “99 percent” chance Elon was lying about an attack
So you’re saying there’s still a chance?
Ever since Elon bought Twitter, he massively fired anyone involved in making it work. Now it runs like shit, and spews, mostly, shit.
It’s no shock that such an event (a widely-viewed like video event) would immediately cause it to crash, since anyone who knew about how to make this work left or was fired long ago, and the goose-steppers who stuck around for shit pay and worse treatment can’t do any better than this.
Don’t forget the time he barged into Twitter HQ and just started unplugging racks because the team was moving “too slow”.
I respect that the tech contractor noped out and refused to help him move the racks. Musk had to get security to help him 🤣
to a layman, it was an interview where trump layed out some of his economic plans and what he thinks are some problems, while musk tries to force his narrative to change his POV (e.g Trump doesnt care about climate change, Elon wants to shift his plans so that you invest in future technology that he down the line or already has companies in). Generally speaking its a lot of boogeyman stuff (especially on how he claims leftists want to release all people out of jail, and that the people in jail are primarily gang migrants).
of the several things I personally don’t agree with, theres like one thing I do agree with was his stance on Nuclear (which he believes ultimately is a good thing for energy) and that someone should rebrand Nuclear so that public acceptance of it is better.
Except that Trump thought Elon was talking about nuclear weapons.
Was that the part where Trump claimed to have done “the most deregulation and restrictions”?
while there was arms talk in the chat, the nuclear section was not part of weapons, it was definately part of energy policy.
It is weird how overlooked nuclear is in the US. I imagine both sides could get in on it if it either had better lobbying or at least didn’t have to compete with the respective oil/gas lobby on the right or the solar lobby on the left. (It’s certainly a left leaning option if people weren’t spooked by it).
I’ve been seeing people saying we should be building molten salt thorium reactors since before Obama was elected.
Not… politicians… but various physicists and economists whom apparently no one listens to.
I think that from a PR standpoint there are multiple problems:
You have to come up with soundbites to explain how Thorium reactors are not capable of Chernobyling or Three Mile Islanding.
Oil and Gas won’t like this and Republicans in general hate spending money on infrastructure.
From the left and center you still have a strong number of people who think nuclear power is horrible for the environment and doesn’t count as ‘sustainable’.
Having to educate the general American public on anything with nuance or complexity is a massive chore. People here seriously complained that solar panels will use up all the sun’s energy. This is all assuming the various oil/gas companies don’t spin up propaganda at full speed to make shit up about nuclear energy.
Back in the early 2010s my home state, Maryland, was ready to go in and double our current nuclear capacity, which would have put us in a place that, by 2024, would have all but erased fossil fuels from electricity generation in the state.
We were denied by the Obama administration. For ‘security concerns’ over importing specialists and materials.
We were importing them from the EU.
Anti-nuclear paranoia has been deeply damaging.
It’s actually a result of the Cold War. There’s a lot of overlap between environmental and anti-war groups in the US, and during the 60s and 70s sentiment against nuclear weapons started picking up steam. Then after Three Mile Island and Chernobyl, that sentiment entered the mainstream, expanding to also include nuclear energy in general. Since coal was still king back then, most energy companies didn’t really care to try to change the new public disapproval of nuclear energy, so it’s mostly persisted into the present day.
It’s not overlooked it’s simply not economical. If you want an energy transition towards sustainability, renewables are the way to go.
This is it. Nuclear is horrendously expensive to commission and decommission. Onshore wind is the cheapest energy there is, and solar isn’t expensive either. But the fossil fuel industry can’t stand the price comparison nor the reduction in demand/scarcity, so in corporate run America, it doesn’t happen at scale unless some politicians who actually want to make things better get real power.
:: chef’s kiss ::
The unspoken “weird” is just like that punch that Muhammad Ali did not throw
Can you imagine what it’s like for a Trump staffer who still has a brain? “Please quit doing the Nazi thing. Please anything but more public Nazi shit.”
But Trump can’t help it. He is who he is.
Problem, I don’t think many of said staffers do as evidence by this brilliant response to a journalist asking about why trump suddenly had a lisp in this interview
In an emailed response to an inquiry about the lisp from a Huffington Post reporter, the Trump campaign said, “Must be your s****y hearing. Get your ears checked.”
The lisp was present throughout and takes like 2 seconds to find clips of it and hear it
That “lisp” sounded precisely like dentures sound when the adhesive wears off. Trump’s teeth were coming loose and he was clamping down on the back of his mouth whenever he made an “S” sound so they didn’t blow out of his mouth mid-sentence.
It is a well-known elderly person sound that even kids imitate when they are pretending to be elderly. I’m surprised it’s not headline news. It was the weirdest and most comical part of the shit-show.
Fellas, is it gay to have ears?
Are you saying Trump went on Twitter and had a stroke?
Or that trump had already had a a stroke before he went on Twitter?
Trump has dentures and was unable to affix them in a convincing manner. He’s old and bad at being old.
I thought rich people just got implants. I mean, I assumed they did anyway.
I am not a dentist but I assume those are expensive and dude is a cheapskate.
I don’t know about that. In his own personal world he is anything but a cheapskate. When dealing with other people, yes. He has TACKY ass gold everywhere. He flaunts his wealth like no one else.
I mean, look at this tacky shit and tell me you think he’d get dentures. I’m surprised his teeth aren’t made of some rare mineral that the average person could dig up in 20 years and sell to live like a king.
Elon seems to be ideologically fascist – not Nazi specifically, but some kind of fascist – but Trump is just kind of saying shit. If we assume this was a strategic mistake, the mistake was putting him in a room with Elon.
Is KamalaHQ officially associated with her and is this an official statement? I see their TikTok page a lot and its very memey/jokey. It feel an like it’s adjacent (run by an intern or campaign staffer or something), but I’m not sure if this is really “Kamala Harris’s Statement”.
I opened the threads profile, it says it’s official
Thanks! I still think it’s a statement by her campaign and not her, but I guess that’s splitting hairs.
Technically it’s signed Harris Walz.
Technically it has their campaign logo on it. ;) Yeah I know I’m being annoying. Obviously this statement is associated with her and the campaign in an official manner. It just doesn’t have the polish I would expect from a politician’s official statement. That’s all. I’m probably reading too much into it.
I think it’s a huge part of the Democrats’ collective messaging, which they really sucked at previously. They’re very purposely ratcheting up from their Ben Stein levels of excitement, and I think it’s resonating with people.
There’s a comment in this thread commending the casual, non-robotic tone of the messaging.
Such a low bar, right?
I think that’s an intentional choice by her campaign. I’ve seen other stuff by KamalaHQ that has the same tone. It’s smart. More relatable is better.
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That’s not fully correct. @VP seems to be her official threads, while the OP says
official rapid response page of Vice President Harris’ presidential campaign
whatever that means. So I’m still not fully convinced this is an officially statement from Harris herself.
Not sure. I think Kamala would be smart enough to call the site Twitter.
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Would have been a thousand times better if they’d called it Twitter
Now that is beautiful, spoken dynamite in plain and clear terms.
After all these years of bemoaning the spineless Democrats, I finally see a light at the end of the tunnel.
Been screaming for years, “Drop the high road shit and start hitting back!”
It was deeply boring. One billionaire sucking off another for getting shot at for what felt like a full hour, then Trump rambling on with Musk going “uh huh” “yeah” every minute or so.
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the middle class
I’d say I’m sorry I missed the shit show, but I just spent the evening playing the wildest (and longest) game of LOCOfficial! With my boys. No regrets.