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Well done Maduro. One should realize with the liberal and faSSciSSt shit on MuSSKKK’SS shitty website, it is a good idea to block such bourgeoiSS ideology. I hope Venezuela joins BRICS as soon as possible so they can give a big fuck you to the weSSt. ¡Viva la República Bolivariana de Venezuela! ¡Viva el Chavismo! ¡Viva Maduro! ¡Muerte a AmériKKKa! ¡Muerte al imperialiSSmo!
Long live the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela! Long live Chavezism! Long live Maduro! Death to AmeriKKKa! Death to imperialiSSm!
Well done Maduro. One should realize with the liberal and faSSciSSt shit on MuSSKKK’SS shitty website, it is a good idea to block such bourgeoiSS ideology. I hope Venezuela joins BRICS as soon as possible so they can give a big fuck you to the weSSt. ¡Viva la República Bolivariana de Venezuela! ¡Viva el Chavismo! ¡Viva Maduro! ¡Muerte a AmériKKKa! ¡Muerte al imperialiSSmo!
Long live the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela! Long live Chavezism! Long live Maduro! Death to AmeriKKKa! Death to imperialiSSm!