Yea … feels like it’d be helpful to have a name for this category of food. Where the essential form of it is perfectly vegan but certain ways of preparing or embellishing it, that are by no means necessary, can often involve animal products. Beer and Wine strike me as another example.
We have some protected category names for foods locally, whole wheat for bread for example. But there aren’t that many protected names. I read the label of almost everything I grab for sport anyway, so unless it’s a shampoo bottle, I’ll know what’s in my hand soon enough.
Yea … feels like it’d be helpful to have a name for this category of food. Where the essential form of it is perfectly vegan but certain ways of preparing or embellishing it, that are by no means necessary, can often involve animal products. Beer and Wine strike me as another example.
We have some protected category names for foods locally, whole wheat for bread for example. But there aren’t that many protected names. I read the label of almost everything I grab for sport anyway, so unless it’s a shampoo bottle, I’ll know what’s in my hand soon enough.