• 3 Posts
Joined 11 days ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2024

  • Hmm interesting. I’ve always noticed a couple of things when I’ve tried.

    1. lacking the sharp acidic taste (easy enough to do something about)
    2. My naan is never as flexible and chewy as it should be. Which I assume is lack of dairy.

    I mostly have tried follow veganricha’s recipes. Maybe I should flounder around elsewhere. Or maybe it’s the cook time/heat, I’m restricted to my oven. I was actually looking at those oni things yesterday, but given I mostly bake loaves I think I’d be better set putting the funds towards building a bread oven.

  • I really just read this: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13414492-flour-water-salt-yeast and he has a section on pizza. If you’re into yeast related activities I’d recommend that book. Very readable and he has a nice unpretentious attitude towards just enjoying baking.

    I’m in australia so I don’t get a lot of vegan products that are present in europe or the dark empire. I sort of hate the coconut fat based cheeses we get though, fermenting my own is a bit high effort with a high failure rate alas. I’ve been meaning to play around with like my usual cashew/nooch/msg/salt/vinegar blend but adding some stuff like tapioca starch or carogena or whatever to make more of a goop.

    Usually when I make pizza I skip cheese though, a winner is sweet potato, pomegranite molasses, and dandelion greens. Or hummus, mediterranean summer veg, and zaatar.

    The advantage of working with a slack ~70% hydration dough is you can sort of press the ingredients into it to make them stay put.

    When making naan what do you sub for yoghurt? we get sad pathetic coconut fat ‘yoghurts’ here. I’ve fermented my own from soy milk but it tends to taste a bit tofu-y. Been meaning to try some other blends.

  • Home oven. A pretty decent neff one though that claims to hit 275 C

    Pizza stone preheat for ~40 minutes. Switch to the grill on max for ~10 minutes while assembling the pizza the back to normal while it’s on. The grill helps get the stone nice and fucked up.

    Unfortunately the stone is glazed (wtf?) so the base isn’t as hard as it could be if it was pulling moisture from the bottom. But hey, hand me downs are hand me downs.

  • dulce

    Idk if I’ve ever tried this, sounds like a sweet idea 🥁🥁🔔 (no cymbal emoji? travesty!).

    I’m not about whole food diets :P I mostly eat one because it’s cheap and I’m too lazy to read ingredients on premixed sauces and the like and just assume everything includes something carnist but when I spent weekends cooking you bet I’m making weird pseudo eggs for ramen with sodium alginate, or experimenting with flavour additives to make an impossibly umami veggie stock. I am a hedonist through and through and intend to wear my body out subjecting it to sensations. I just, you know, also have a soul.

    king oyster mushroom “scallops”

    This is interesting, further reading? I was always a seafood platter on my birthday child and stuff like christmas lunch is traditionally a seafood meal in aus so being able to do this stuff matters to me. Like it would be great if one day instead of ruining my family’s christmas by making them not eat meat if they want to share it with me I could save it.