I have ff set to open everything in private tabs by default, but when i want to login to an account with my password manager i have to open ff, turn private browsing off and then paste the link from the password manager. I was wondering if some sort of syntax existed to tell ff to open it in a standart tab kind of like about:settings or mailto:
I have ff set to open everything in private tabs by default
Oh cool! How’d you do that? 👀
Firefox > menu icon > settings > private browsing > open links in private tab. (android)
Nice, thanks!
I don’t think that’s possible. But to prevent an XY problem: what do you want to achieve? Maybe it’s enough to simply disable the history, or delete cookies when you exit a page, or use Firefox Focus as your default browser.
I just downloaded Firefox Focus to keep open links private, and can share to regular Firefox if I need my sign ins for a specific opened link. Thanks!
I used to use the duckduckgo browser which deleted absolutely everything every time it was closed from the app switcher unless you specifically excluded it. That is what i want. I am using fennec at the moment because ff focus isnt on fdroid and i dont think a fennec focus exists. I try not to ever use google play but if ff focus can be downloaded from github that would be okay
It’s available on GitHub: https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/firefox-android/releases
Use Obtainium to keep it up-to-date automatically.
Wow that is a super minimal browser. I think the only other browser i have seen close to that is midori