As well as the other evils the right-wing Democrats have been doing. Even if Biden was young, there are more important things that would keep decent people from voting for him.

Funding overseas fascists and funding genocide.

Failing to protect abortion.

Failing to protect Trans rights.

Failing to protect the poor and allowing rent and basic living costs to sky rocket.

Failing to make a meaningful impact on climate change.

Failing to end predatory student loans.

Failing to enact universal healthcare.

Failing to handle Trump and the GOP in a meaningful way.

Working with the fascist GOP and “reaching across the isle” to the far-right.

Strong arming ‘allies’ and interfering with their sovereignty.

Failing to close the concentration camps at the boarder

Failing to properly lockdown against COVID and allowing the pandemic to continue to spread, mutate and kill millions and cripple millions more for life.

And much more.

Biden and the rest of the right-wing Democrats are just a big of a threat to democracy as Trump and the GOP. The Biden regimes refusal to enact the things the people voted him in for, as well as his prioritising of the wishes of the donor class over the wishes of the public show that the American plutocracy has serious corruption in both major parties that can’t simply be voted away.

Blue MAGAs refusal to acknowledge this, and insistence on voting in a system that does not care about their vote is nothing short of cowardice. They are afraid of what living in a system where democracy has little meaning requires from them to defeat.

  • robot_dog_with_gun [they/them]
    2 months ago


    it seems wrong to me to call this “ageism”. structural ageism is shit like not hiring 45 year olds because of their family obligations and resistance to exploitation compared to fresh graduates. Biden’s age here is a deflection for his cognitive decline

    • RedWizard [he/him, comrade/them]
      2 months ago

      No you are correct, but, I was appropriating the liberal framing on the matter. They have little in the way to analyze ageism structurally. In the same way they can not conceptualize of other forms of structural injustice. To the liberal ageism is the belief that some people are hated simply because they’re old, totally void of any social relations. They believe it can be applied to anyone, even the president of the United States. They can not reconcile the concept of “ageism” and capital’s desire to raise the retirement age. Is society at large ageist, or will society force you to work until you’re 90? It doesn’t matter to them.

      Because Liberals can’t see beyond their nose, they are trapped in the age discourse constructed by the media. Biden’s policies, which to be clear, are the Democratic Party’s policies, are the true reason to reject him. This is the most important election of their life and their champion is weak in the face of this crisis. Perception is reality in their world, and reality is filtered through their media uncritically.

      This discourse has created two camps, the “Vote Blue No Matter Who” camp which has now adopted the caveat of, “Except if they appear visibly weak and enfeebled”, and the BlueMAGA camp who have sprung out of the latter like Athena from the head of Zeus. They have dug their heels in on Joe, have taken the “Progressive” position that people have value at any age and believe Joe Biden is being unjustly attacked by the crooked ageist media.

      My position is one of the OPs. The age debate is a deflection from the policies. Democrats and their media machine are hoping this discourse leads to the ousting of Biden so a new face can enter the arena and negate the age issue. Trough this process they also hope that the new face will bring with it a sense of new ideas that unites their constituency behind them. Even though it will be business as usual regardless of who is on the ballet in November. They pray that the anti-genocide demographic is persuaded by this sacrifice and returns back to the flock.

      With change, even perceived change, those seeking it will feel attracted to it’s flame. They can allow themselves to relinquish their uncomfortable position and return to their cozy reality. Even if that change is clearly marginal, or superficial. At least that is what the Democrats are hoping will happen.

      That’s just my laymen’s perspective though.