• 201dberg@lemmygrad.ml
    3 months ago

    It’s really interesting that I see more cheap manufacturing from India now than anywhere else but I still see everyone complain about cheap “chinesium” stuff. The same goes for outsourcing. IT and remote roles have been heavily outsourced to India but you never see the news talk about India “stealing American jobs.” It’s only ever China. The west sees India as an ally and the news supports this. Same with scam calling businesses. Always based out of India yet the news screams about Chinese scammers all the time. I have spent months looking for a new job and noticed an increasing number of recruiters that are from India. I have noticed that the jobs they recruit for are always very poorly paid with little or no benefits. Seeing an Indian based recruiter has become an immediate turn off for me because it’s a sign that the hiring company is outsourcing it’s recruiting to the lowest possible bid and if they are doing that then they will be offering terrible pay and no benefits, and I haven’t been wrong in this yet.

    The west also constantly front the “Chinese businessmen are taking over American companies” bullshit. I have worked for several large pharmaceutical companies in the west for the past couple decades and can tell you I have not seen a single higher up from China. I have however seen many higher ups replaced with India nationals. The company then slowly gets filled with contractors that are all also Indians. My current company is falling apart because they are replacing direct hired labor with contract agency people. All Indian, making like $250 an hour, and they do nothing. The just ask the remaining direct hires to help them with projects then take credit. I have other direct hire colleagues that are Indian and talk about the scams that are being run. Most all of these higher ups come over from wealthy, high cast families and get director and CEO jobs out of pure nepotism then gut the companies by spending excessive amounts on India based contract agencies. My current company is going bankrupt yet they keep hiring more and more contractors paying over 8 times a direct hires salary per person. Our company had 70% of the laboratory management walk out because the new Indian direct wanted them to falsify documents to say a product failed because of our testing and was actually ok to sell. Products that are injectable medications.

    Basically what I’m getting at is, it’s easy to see the western capitalists see India as an ally, as much of the stuff they blame on China, stealing jobs, cheap manufacturing, scams, etc, are all far more prevalent from India yet nothing is ever said about it. It feels like Western Capitalism is quietly trying to move to India and use China as the scapegoat. They see the failing of the US, and that China will be the new world power. It’s inevitable. So they are trying to get in good and turn India into their new safe haven. At least this is how I see it. I don’t trust India in BRICS, but maybe I’m wrong and biased. I am not so full of myself to not know i have developed a bias over there years. I have just been seeing first hand some of the stuff going on over the years and this is the only way I can reason it.

    • darkcalling@lemmygrad.ml
      3 months ago

      I see this larger plan coming together. When China agreed to be exploited by the west to get their MOP they didn’t have the plans for MOP, they couldn’t build the machinery or processes if they wanted to. Despite exporting the physical machinery or much of it and the processes the west still has the plans and in fact much of what the west now makes is various parts of the machinery of production which is up the value and even tech chain from the products themselves in many places. So it’s not necessary for them to take all of the MOP or even most of it from China and put it somewhere else physically.

      Mark my words, if they try it they aren’t going to wait, nor do they need to, for all supply chains to be replaced. The world won’t end, reign of the bourgeoisie won’t end if suddenly there are supply shortages in the west. We saw it with covid, they just used it as an excuse to fire more people and raise prices and profit margins. And by and large the western proletariat will take it, will believe they’ve lost nothing more than low quality slave labor in losing Chinese goods. They’ll wait patiently to get on a payment plan that equals out to $1500 for a new iPhone over 2 years and blame China for it and foreigners as usual by design. They’ll seek to support an increase in the exploitation of the lowest rungs of society, of the minimum wage and gig workers, of the global south to bolster their own positions economically and happily support in power and action reactionary policies, crackdowns on labor, expansion of imperialist practices and violence (including at home), coups, color revolutions, operation freedomburger 5.0, etc.

      The only thing they’re really left waiting on which can’t be gotten around is chips supply which is why they’re trying and failing to set up fabs in the US. But that doesn’t matter, India, occupied Korea, both happy to oblige the US in setting up fabs with horrible working conditions for the US and at the end of the day the US can probably just import a bunch of Indian workers on visas to run its own ill conceived fabs. TSMC is probably slow-walking it but they can’t delay forever and there are competitors like Samsung and other occupied Korean giants to consider.

      India’s true success and rising as a capitalist nation under a caste-loving religious extremist ideology is built off, must be built off the back of Chinese decline and isolation and I feel they know this so at the end of the day their fortune is not with BRICS, only if the west completely collapsed and there was no hope of taking China’s manufacturing and getting western investment would it be the case that BRICS would hold more appeal. The pull from the west, serving to undermine China and BRICS as a whole is why India is a poison pill within it. They seek their own power, their own way as they put it in the cold war, but that way is at the expense of others, happily on their backs and corpses, it’s about India for only India unlike China’s philosophy or even some of what Russia does to curry favor with other nations that the USSR historically had good relations with in order to hold onto some power as a rising nation.

      They must not be trusted. It is not wise or anything but hopium to claim they’re on the verge of a communist take-over. It’s not going to happen. I’ve heard too many comrades from India talk of the colonized mindset of other Indians, add in a backwards reactionary system like the caste system and their religious reactionary tendencies, add in jealousy towards China a very similar power who did better than them and is like a more successful neighbor they’re bitter towards, add in how good at suppressing communism they west has gotten and I just don’t see India as anything but at best a thorn in the side.

      After all they started out humiliated and formerly colonized just like China yet in the cold war they didn’t have a communist revolution despite being really close to the USSR, in the 70 years since they haven’t had one and are no closer to having one, they’re farther I’d say in fact. The Hindu idea of reincarnation and of people being born into a place they deserve based off past lives (excuse me if I am mixing up Buddhism here, I’m not positive) is very reactionary, it like the Protestant work ethic demands hard labor in this life for a shot at a better life next go around or after the death, it says those in lower castes or positions are there for a reason and it is not the place of man to question god(s). Both are very effective inoculations against class consciousness and proletarian power.

      The road ahead is a very rocky and hard one, I see many places that could lead to the entire world falling into barbarity and perpetual darkness. I trust Russia much further than India based purely off the benefits each stands to gain from different orders of the world gaining or losing power.