Interview 1: Not too bad I think.
Interview 2: Not enough tech knowledge sadly.
Meeting set for 10am tomorrow about police check with General Manager.
2 interviews to go.
Edit: Interview 3 went OK I believe.
Interview 4 has been postponed.
4 interviews in one day is full on! Good luck with the rest, and tomorrow’s meeting.
I can’t concentrate today. A close friend was in a bike vs car (cars fault) yesterday. They are still in hospital but ok -multiple fractures and chest trauma but could have been much worse. I spent yesterday babysitting and helping out and I thought I was ok but I keep getting the shakes today. I feel silly. I need to concentrate but I keep thinking about it.
Hug your peeps my peeps.
I feel silly. I need to concentrate but I keep thinking about it.
Bro. Dont feel silly at all. PERFECTLY normal to have this reaction to trauma. Take a day off, be kind to yourself. Go for a walk, get a cuppa and process.
Thanks. I know that intellectually. I know that it’s also smashed me right back to childhood where there were a couple of big bad life changing moments like this. I don’t know why I expect I would ever be over that but I do. Thanks. I am gonna make a cuppa.
so many hugs
so many hugs and hope your close friend gets better soon
thanks :-)
Completely understandable! Speedy recovery for your friend and take care of yourself!
Today I managed to finally get ahold of my step mum and found out my dad was ok and I finally got a text message from him.
I guess with his recent illness it’s really taken a toll on him.
Anyway I’m glad to hear from him and just told him to rest up.
In other news my clothes smell like curry from when I made it last nights.
That’s a real relief that your dad is ok. What curry were you making? I think I’m due for a nice Thai curry later this week.
I did a butter chicken curry which is mild enough for me to eat. It’s pretty tasty.
I wish I could tolerate spiciness. One day I’d like to eat a curry laksa but it’s too spicy :(
Oh that’s good news. Glad he is ok
A present from my man
Love it!
CEO is so lucky 🥰
everyone loves snoopy 💝
Nervous about the meeting tomorrow. Can’t stop thinking about it.
Going to have an early night I think.
Hopefully will have some good news tomorrow. Hopefully.
Goodnight everyone ❤️
Good luck! 💜
Good night and good luck. 💗
Have a good sleep, and best of luck tomorrow
Getting up this morning? I’m agin it. You have permission not to. I’ll sign a note for your bosses saying so.
Wish I’d seen this two hours ago. Was late because it was stupidly hard to get out of bed. But, now I’m here… and just missing my bed!
be really tired and under the weather at work then call in sick tomorry
A rare weekend where I avoided all social media and the news. What happened while I was gone?
A couple of numbats popped in.
Into our sacred space? How dare they!
No no we like nubmats
I think
They are cute little buggers indeed/
Nah, it’s all good. They didn’t have much to say.
Right. I’m still not sure if Numbats are a good thing or bad thing this context.
Good thing. I guess you had to be there.
downfall of humanity, same as always.
Carry on then!!
Today sucks. Have been feeling crappy all day, and feel like I barely had a break over the weekend. Suddenly I understand the hatred of Mondays.
you told us why
Haha I understood this reference
im old greeeg
Emergency temporal shift to another day?
heads up we got some rain incoming. The forecast looks considerably worse than it did yesterday. And we are gonna get wet tonight by the sound of it.
Sorry - I bought an awesome but not at all waterproof puffer jacket the other day. I have clearly doomed us all
Thanks Tiny, I’ve got the washing out! I must be on the same bus as this morning (RIP nose) and the driver’s going flat out like it’s Targa Coburg , so I may get home in time!
No rain here yet but I’ve seen the weather change. It was practically dark at 4:30
Spoke to my friend who got hit by a car. She’s still in hospital and in for a big recovery but it could have been a lot worse. I’m so relieved. I just don’t understand how someone can sail out onto a roundabout and clean up someone right in front of them on the roundabout (who also has right of way). I really like being on public transport more and more.
I’m so glad. There are some terrifying drivers out there.
I almost had two accidents on round abouts the other day in my large bull bar’d van. Both times people cutting in front of me turning right. I’m one of the fewer people who use their indicators for direction and exit in the roundabout too. In retrospect, I’m thinking about selling it, so with the dash cam maybe I should just go for the write off.
Gratitude thread.
Got my uni results and even though I could’ve done better, I’m proud of myself for getting through despite going through a breakup. I’m sad I let it affect my results, but grateful that next semester, I can wholeheartedly focus on turning those results around, hopefully drama-free, with no one to disturb my peace :)
Despite my grumbling, happy to have 4 interviews today, and a call from legal team to find out what can be done about expunging my record
Got some good financial news yesterday which takes some of the stress off my shoulders
Fluffy butt as per usual
Meeting tomorrow with the GM of the company that gave me the offer so I can discuss the police check. Hoping tomorrow I’m grateful for a job
Fingers crossed! So excited for you :)
I am grateful my fence gets fixed tomorrow. Let’s see how happy I am tomorrow when there’s banging and power tools and little dog going off his nut.
I send the dog to Grandma’s on days like that.
I’m grateful that I can drive with reasonable ease. I was in a major accident last year (hit by a semi trailer at high speed) and my car was squished. I somehow walked away with only minor injuries and I was back driving quickly, and I’ve made myself drive regularly, but it’s only in the last few weeks that it’s started to feel normal rather than something super stressful. Healing.
So glad to hear this <3
Grateful for cats, even though fluffle is in velcro mode and stopping me from getting stuff done. Time with kiddo on the school holidays, one day he’ll be too big to want to hang with mum for the day. Understanding tutors who don’t make you feel stupid when you went 500 miles in the wrong direction on an assignment. Sunshine. Home-made banana bread.
deleted by creator
something is very wrong with those people, 7 children and he’s only 29
cult perhaps?
Maybe some very old fashioned notions of what constitutes masculinity. Back before the AIDS crisis of the 80s, it was fairly normal for men to be very very hesitant about wearing condoms - fearing that this would compromise said masculinity as well as being uncomfortable. And unplanned pregnancy for their wives/girlfriends was a validation of that same masculinity and was something to boast about. Attitudes like that stink on ice nowadays, but still happen.
I’ve never met anyone with that many kids that isn’t a POS
I avoid the news usually so I had a google. I’m lost for words. Those poor babies.
eye for an eye? nah fuck that. Public execution. There are some crimes so great that rehabilitation isnt in the public interests.
deleted by creator
nah rather a public example is made of them.
Burn him at the stake!
My dental checkup this morning led to two fillings as well. One of them is just a fairly short term fix and I’ll need to look at a crown when it fails. Tomorrow I have an appointment with the dental surgeon, who will be removing a broken tooth, before doing two implants in a couple of months.
I’ve been saving up towards all this for a while, but the money is going to be disappearing very quickly. The decision to sign up for extras on the health insurance again was definitely a good one - stretching the timeframe for getting the crowns over a couple of years will mean I’m getting more back than I have paid in premiums for at least 3 years, four if the filling today lasts long enough.
Going to the dentist is one of those things that absolutely fucking sucks, but sucks less than the alternative of not going to the dentist, unfortunately.
The lack of stability and positive role models in my life has led to having some absolutely fucked teeth. Today is going to hurt, but if I get all of my work done before March, I won’t have to pay for any of it. After that, though, I think my teeth are going to be held on with tape and prayers (or more accurately toothpaste, mouthwash, Panadol, and prayers)
If you can, get a referral to Western Special Needs Dentistry - they are so damn good and completely non-judgey. They do a lot of work for people with sensory issues and phobias and are completely up to speed on that sort of thing. See my comment below.
Good for you! Dental stuff has to be the least favourite for most. Yeah, quotes on a new aligner run was 6.5k. Was hoping it’d be half that, so will be putting that off till next year.
None of it is cheap. I’m grateful I’m in a position that the work can be done and that I can manage to afford it. My mother has a lot of problems with her teeth, can’t get implants because she does not have enough bone density (and it wasn’t available earlier in her life when it might have been possible) and she is having a lot of trouble with dentures not fitting well. It really impacts what she is able to eat. It has very much motivated me to do everything I can for my teeth now. I’d rather skip a few holidays and drive an older car now instead of having all of those issues later. I just wish I could go back in time and get my younger self into good toothbrushing habits earlier in life so I’d have less work needing to be done now.
sometimes it doesn’t matter what you do, I have a teeny tiny skull and my teeth don’t fit
in Australia there is a policy of trying to keep every tooth so Miss Seagoon had spacers since the age of 6. When we moved to Europe she had 4 premolars taken out and braces for 18 months. The Euro dentists said the crowding would never improve and would smash her teeth
I had a couple of teeth removed when I was in my early teens because my teeth didn’t fit. Then the other jaw ended up with 2 wisdom teeth removed because there was not enough room for them to come through. I think the lower jaw was still a bit too crowded - all of the front teeth overlap and used to be jammed so tightly together I couldn’t floss. Since losing another couple of teeth in that jaw I think they’ve shifted a bit as I’m able to floss there now.
Feels. As a kid I had about 10 teeth taken out because my jaw was very small and my teeth were extra large. Left me with a lasting fear of dentists and a major needle phobia. Which led to major neglect for the next 40 years or so. I’ve just had my remaining teef pulled and been fitted with dentures. Huge relief. I cannot recommend Western Special Needs Dentistry highly enough. They were so damn good, helped me through the process despite the needle phobia. Completely non-judgy. They do a lot of repair work for people with phobias or other problems.
I guess we all slept well last night …
Well but it was my turn for the DT weird dreams …
Ooh, what did you have? I had a dream that my sister was pregnant and it was such a convincing dream that I had to wake up and check my chats with her to make sure it wasn’t real.
I had an adventure dream. Someone pick pocketed my handbag so I chased her, brought her down. Turns out she had stolen my Bic pen.
I would absolutely chase someone down to get a pen back!
No :( might have a sickie because I slept like shit
Passed out on the couch on a heated throw. Woke up briefly surrounded by snoring cats, reset the throw timer and went back to sleep
I didn’t get woken up by 4am firetrucks last night (I’ve been woken up between 2-5am every night because I’m on the 2nd floor smack bang between 2 major roads), so that was helpful. I turned on the dehumidifier and air con last night because my room has been so humid recently and I think that helped too.
Not my best sleep, but I woke up feeling refreshed, so that’s the main thing. I give it overall about 8.0/10
Mid day yawns are killing me right now. Had a solid night’s rest, waited till 9 to have my coffee…to no avail.
Absolutely dying for a nap, but have meetings all afternoon.
Stupid cozy clothing.
A nice tea maybe?
Opted for a 2nd coffee instead.