All new vehicles sold in Europe – including Northern Ireland but not Great Britain – will be required from now on to have intelligent speed assistance technology installed.
Someone who worked on design for a previous iteration of this said that their company deliberately routed the ‘beep over a certain speed’ signal via a wire between two modules for precisely this rrason.
So instead of clipping a wire you plug in a Bluetooth OBD interface and flip a bit in the car’s memory that the engineers conveniently forgot to remove which disables the beeps…
Lol 2 min video on how to clip that speaker wire incoming…
A/V systems are $2000 computers now. There is no separate speaker unless you’re going to clip your car stereo speakers
Yeah canbus systems are an absolute fucking nightmare too. The same wire controling several systems.
Someone who worked on design for a previous iteration of this said that their company deliberately routed the ‘beep over a certain speed’ signal via a wire between two modules for precisely this rrason.
I heard they paid
Than 2 minutes on how to manipulate the switch in a way so that it detects a press every time you start your car.
I guess you missed the part in the article where it said it’s been optional but that will change
So instead of clipping a wire you plug in a Bluetooth OBD interface and flip a bit in the car’s memory that the engineers conveniently forgot to remove which disables the beeps…
Lol, no! The ODBC port allows readouts only, you cannot change the programming of any of the components in your car.
Oh shit boys, we found im!
*10 minutes - shorter videos cannot be monetized, IIRC