cw for weight/body image, of course

Usually discussions about this get overrun by chuds so I think it’d be nice to hear what people here have to say.

Personally I think it’s some good and positive ideas but they’re mixed in with potentially harmful medical misinformation.

  • ssjmarx [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Body positivity is good. Nobody should have a complex because of how they look, and we should strive to create a society where absolute acceptance is the default. Fat acceptance is part of that, though I would prefer a more holistic approach to just focusing on one aspect of it.

    I find the way that people react to the idea of fat acceptance to be extremely revealing. There’s lots of concern trolling, even ITT, about the movement - I’m sure some people attached to it have had some bad takes, but the mainstream position is not about denying medical science like some people would have you believe.