I’ve liked Firefox in the past on school computers, but lately I’ve been using brave on all my devices.

I love Brave, with its built in adblockers PLUS the ability to install more on top of it, so you can turn one off and still have protection. It feels pretty streamlined.

As someone who pirates stuff pretty frequently too, all of its pop up blockers make me feel more safe.

Should I make a switch to Firefox, and if so, why?

  • estebanlm
    2 years ago

    I have nothing against brave itself, but the monopolistic control of the browsing is bad for privacy per se, and chrome is not a community project on which we can rely to be the entry-point of everyone to everything.
    Firefox is not perfect (as chrome is not perfect either), but is very good and the only existing real alternative to chrome right now.
    This may be enough (it is for me), but also firefox comes with good out of the box privacy settings and is very easy to install a bunch of extensions (adblocker included) that will improve your protection.
    Finally, firefox will continue supporting V2 extension API (which allow the protection tools) while we know google was pushing to drop it and replacing it for a V3 that was invalidating the work of those apps (and would represent also a problem for brave and others, since they use the same codebase), they just retracted (temporary) because they feared a migration to firefox.

    As a conclusion, IMO at this moment using firefox is not just a glad experience, but also a matter of self-defense.

    EDIT: formatting