• NABDad@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    In a robotics lab where I once worked, they used to have a large industrial robot arm with a binocular vision platform mounted on it. It used the two cameras to track an objects position in 3 dimensional space and stay a set distance from the object.

    It worked the way our eyes worked, adjusting the pan and tilt of the cameras quickly for small movements and adjusting the pan and tilt of the platform and position of the arm to follow larger movements.

    Viewers watching the robot would get an eerie and false sense of consciousness from the robot, because the camera movements matched what we would see people’s eyes do.

    Someone also put a necktie on the robot which didn’t hurt the illusion.

  • JackGreenEarth@lemm.ee
    4 months ago

    How would we even know if an AI is conscious? We can’t even know that other humans are conscious; we haven’t yet solved the hard problem of consciousness.

      • TexasDrunk@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        I doubt you feel that way since I’m the only person that really exists.

        Jokes aside, when I was in my teens back in the 90s I felt that way about pretty much everyone that wasn’t a good friend of mine. Person on the internet? Not a real person. Person at the store? Not a real person. Boss? Customer? Definitely not people.

        I don’t really know why it started, when it stopped, or why it stopped, but it’s weird looking back on it.

          • nilloc@discuss.tchncs.de
            4 months ago

            Puberty is rough, for some people it’s your body going “mate, mate, mate” and not much else gets through for 4-5 years, or like 8 maybe.

            I’m about the same age. (Xellennials or some shit like that, apparently). And at the time, there was also a big movement in media and culture to sell more shit to people our age (we’d also been slammed toy and cereal ads as kids in the 80s). MTV was switching to all reality bullshit and Clinton was boinking anything that moved. We were doomed to only think about ourselves.

            The problem is that a bunch of them never outgrew it, or made it their “brand” like Tate and his ilk.

      • Lvxferre@mander.xyz
        4 months ago

        A Cicero a day and your solipsism goes away.

        Rigour is important, and at the end of the day we don’t really know anything. However this stuff is supposed to be practical; at a certain arbitrary point you need to say “nah, I’m certain enough of this statement being true that I can claim that it’s true, thus I know it.”

          • Lvxferre@mander.xyz
            4 months ago


            Edo ergo caco. Caco ergo sum! [/shitty joke]

            Serious now. Descartes was also trying to solve solipsism, but through a different method: he claims at least some sort of knowledge (“I doubt thus I think; I think thus I am”), and then tries to use it as a foundation for more knowledge.

            What I’m doing is different. I’m conceding that even radical scepticism, a step further than solipsism, might be actually correct, and that true knowledge is unobtainable (solipsism still claims that you can know that yourself exist). However, that “we’ll never know it” is pointless, even if potentially true, because it lacks any sort of practical consequence. I learned this from Cicero (it’s how he handles, for example, the definition of what would be a “good man”).

            Note that this matter is actually relevant in this topic. We’re dealing with black box systems, that some claim to be conscious; sure, they do it through insane troll logic, but the claim could be true, and we would have no way to know it. However, for practical matters: they don’t behave as conscious systems, why would we treat them as such?

              • Lvxferre@mander.xyz
                4 months ago

                Try both.

                I don’t smoke but I get you guys. Plenty times I’ve had a blast discussing philosophy with people who were high.

    • Flying Squid@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      I’d say that, in a sense, you answered your own question by asking a question.

      ChatGPT has no curiosity. It doesn’t ask about things unless it needs specific clarification. We know you’re conscious because you can come up with novel questions that ChatGPT wouldn’t ask spontaneously.

      • JackGreenEarth@lemm.ee
        4 months ago

        My brain came up with the question, that doesn’t mean it has a consciousness attached, which is a subjective experience. I mean, I know I’m conscious, but you can’t know that just because I asked a question.

        • mojo_raisin@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          I find it easier to believe that everything is conscious than it is to believe that some matter became conscious.

          And beings like us are conscious on many levels, what we commonly call our “consciousness” is only one of them. We are not singular, we are walking communities.

        • Flying Squid@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          It wasn’t that it was a question, it was that it was a novel question. It’s the creativity in the question itself, something I have yet to see any LLM be able to achieve. As I said, all of the questions I have seen were about clarification (“Did you mean Anne Hathaway the actress or Anne Hathaway, the wife of William Shakespeare?”) They were not questions like yours which require understanding things like philosophy as a general concept, something they do not appear to do, they can, at best, regurgitate a definition of philosophy without showing any understanding.

    • azertyfun@sh.itjust.works
      4 months ago

      We don’t even know what we mean when we say “humans are conscious”.

      Also I have yet to see a rebuttal to “consciousness is just an emergent neurological phenomenon and/or a trick the brain plays on itself” that wasn’t spiritual and/or cooky.

      Look at the history of things we thought made humans humans, until we learned they weren’t unique. Bipedality. Speech. Various social behaviors. Tool-making. Each of those were, in their time, fiercely held as “this separates us from the animals” and even caused obvious biological observations to be dismissed. IMO “consciousness” is another of those, some quirk of our biology we desperately cling on to as a defining factor of our assumed uniqueness.

      To be clear LLMs are not sentient, or alive. They’re just tools. But the discourse on consciousness is a distraction, if we are one day genuinely confronted with this moral issue we will not find a clear binary between “conscious” and “not conscious”. Even within the human race we clearly see a spectrum. When does a toddler become conscious? How much brain damage makes someone “not conscious”? There are no exact answers to be found.

      • JackGreenEarth@lemm.ee
        4 months ago

        I’ve defined what I mean by consciousness - a subjective experience, quaila. Not simply a reaction to an input, but something experiencing the input. That can’t be physical, that thing experiencing. And if it isn’t, I don’t see why it should be tied to humans specifically, and not say, a rock. An AI could absolutely have it, since we have no idea how consciousness works or what can be conscious, or what it attaches itself to. And I also see no reason why the output needs to ‘know’ that it’s conscious, a conscious LLM could see itself saying absolute nonsense without being able to affect its output to communicate that it’s conscious.

    • Xer0
      4 months ago

      I think therefore I am.

    • Lvxferre@mander.xyz
      4 months ago

      Let’s try to skip the philosophical mental masturbation, and focus on practical philosophical matters.

      Consciousness can be a thousand things, but let’s say that it’s “knowledge of itself”. As such, a conscious being must necessarily be able to hold knowledge.

      In turn, knowledge boils down to a belief that is both

      • true - it does not contradict the real world, and
      • justified - it’s build around experience and logical reasoning

      LLMs show awful logical reasoning*, and their claims are about things that they cannot physically experience. Thus they are unable to justify beliefs. Thus they’re unable to hold knowledge. Thus they don’t have conscience.

      *Here’s a simple practical example of that:

        • Lvxferre@mander.xyz
          4 months ago

          Should’n’ve called it “mental masturbation”… my bad.

          By “mental masturbation” I mean rambling about philosophical matters that ultimately don’t matter. Such as dancing around the definitions, sophism, and the likes.

      • CileTheSane@lemmy.ca
        4 months ago

        their claims are about things that they cannot physically experience

        Scientists cannot physically experience a black hole, or the surface of the sun, or the weak nuclear force in atoms. Does that mean they don’t have knowledge about such things?

        • Lvxferre@mander.xyz
          4 months ago

          Does that mean they don’t have knowledge about such things?

          It’s more complicated than “yes” or “no”.

          Scientists are better justified to claim knowledge over those things due to reasoning; reusing your example, black holes appear as a logical conclusion of the current gravity models based on the general relativity, and that general relativity needs to explain even things that scientists (and other people) experience directly.

          However, as I’ve showed, LLMs are not able to reason properly. They have neither reasoning nor access to the real world. If they had one of them we could argue that they’re conscious, but as of now? Nah.

          With that said, “can you really claim knowledge over something?” is a real problem in philosophy of science, and one of the reasons why scientists aren’t typically eager to vomit certainty on scientific matters, not even within their fields of expertise. For example, note how they’re far more likely to say stuff like “X might be related to Y” than stuff like “X is related to Y”.

          • CileTheSane@lemmy.ca
            4 months ago

            black holes appear as a logical conclusion of the current gravity models…

            So we agree someone does not need to have direct experience of something in order to be knowledgeable of it.

            However, as I’ve showed, LLMs are not able to reason properly

            As I’ve shown, neither can many humans. So lack of reasoning is not sufficient to demonstrate lack of consciousness.

            nor access to the real world

            Define “the real world”. Dogs hear higher pitches than humans can. Humans can not see the infrared spectrum. Do we experience the “real world”? You also have not demonstrated why experience is necessary for consciousness, you’ve just assumed it to be true.

            “can you really claim knowledge over something?” is a real problem in philosophy of science

            Then probably not the best idea to try to use it as part of your argument, if people can’t even prove it exists in the first place.

        • Rozaŭtuno@lemmy.blahaj.zone
          4 months ago

          They can use their expertise to make tools and experiments that let them measure them. AIs aren’t even aware there is a whole world outside their motherboard.

          • CileTheSane@lemmy.ca
            4 months ago

            Okay then: does that mean you or I have no knowledge of such things? I don’t have the expertise, I didn’t create tools, and I haven’t done measurements. I have simply been told by experts who have done such things.

            Can a blind person not have knowledge that a lime is green and a lemon is yellow because they can’t experience it first hand?

      • afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        Seems a valid answer. It doesn’t “know” that any given Jane Etta Pitt son is. Just because X -> Y doesn’t mean given Y you know X. There could be an alternative path to get Y.

        Also “knowing self” is just another way of saying meta-cognition something it can do to a limit extent.

        Finally I am not even confident in the standard definition of knowledge anymore. For all I know you just know how to answer questions.

        • Lvxferre@mander.xyz
          4 months ago

          I’ll quote out of order, OK?

          Finally I am not even confident in the standard definition of knowledge anymore. For all I know you just know how to answer questions.

          The definition of knowledge is a lot like the one of conscience: there are 9001 of them, and they all suck, but you stick to one or another as it’s convenient.

          In this case I’m using “knowledge = justified and true belief” because you can actually use it past human beings (e.g. for an elephant passing the mirror test)

          Also “knowing self” is just another way of saying meta-cognition something it can do to a limit extent.

          Meta-cognition and conscience are either the same thing or strongly tied to each other. But I digress.

          When you say that it can do it to a limited extent, you’re probably referring to output like “as a large language model, I can’t answer that”? Even if that was a belief, and not something explicitly added into the model (in case of failure, it uses that output), it is not a justified belief.

          My whole comment shows why it is not justified belief. It doesn’t have access to reason, nor to experience.

          Seems a valid answer. It doesn’t “know” that any given Jane Etta Pitt son is. Just because X -> Y doesn’t mean given Y you know X. There could be an alternative path to get Y.

          If it was able to reason, it should be able to know the second proposition based on the data used to answer the first one. It doesn’t.

          • afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
            4 months ago

            Your entire argument boils down to because it wasn’t able to do a calculation it can do none. It wasn’t able/willing to do X given Y so therefore it isn’t capable of any time of inference.

            • Lvxferre@mander.xyz
              4 months ago

              Your entire argument boils down to because it wasn’t able to do a calculation it can do none.

              Except that it isn’t just “a calculation”. LLMs show consistent lack of ability to handle an essential logic property called “equivalence”, and this example shows it.

              And yes, LLMs, plural. I’ve provided ChatGPT 3.5 output, but feel free to test this with GPT4, Gemini, LLaMa, Claude etc.

              Just be sure to not be testing instead if the LLM in question has a “context” window, like some muppet ITT was doing.

              It wasn’t able/willing to do X given Y so therefore it isn’t capable of any time of inference.

              Emphasis mine. That word shows that you believe that they have a “will”.

              Now I get it. I understand it might deeply hurt the feelings of people like you, since it’s some unfaithful one (me) contradicting your oh-so-precious faith on LLMs. “Yes! They’re conscious! They’re sentient! OH HOLY AGI, THOU ART COMING! Let’s burn an effigy!” [insert ridiculous chanting]

              Sadly I don’t give a flying fuck, and examples like this - showing that LLMs don’t reason - are a dime a dozen. I even posted a second one in this thread, go dig it. Or alternatively go join your religious sect in Reddit LARPs as h4x0rz.

              /me snaps the pencil
              Someone says: YOU MURDERER!

              • CileTheSane@lemmy.ca
                4 months ago

                “Yes! They’re conscious! They’re sentient! OH HOLY AGI, THOU ART COMING! Let’s burn an effigy!” [insert ridiculous chanting]

                Sadly I don’t give a flying fuck…

                “Let’s focus on practical philosophical matters…”
                Such as your sarcasm towards people who disagree with you and your “not giving a fuck” about different points of view?

                Maybe you shouldn’t be bloviating on the proper philosophical method to converse about such topics if this is going to be your reaction to people who disagree with your arguments.

              • afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
                4 months ago

                Now I get it. I understand it might deeply hurt the feelings of people like you, since it’s some unfaithful one (me) contradicting your oh-so-precious faith on LLMs. “Yes! They’re conscious! They’re sentient! OH HOLY AGI, THOU ART COMING! Let’s burn an effigy!” [insert ridiculous chanting]

                You talk that way and no one is going to want to discuss things with you. I have made zero claims like this, I demonstrated that you were wrong about your example and you insult and strawman me.

                Anyway think it is will be better to block you. Don’t need the negativity in life.

      • randon31415@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        That sounds like an AI that has no context window. Context windows are words thrown into to the prompt after the user’s prompt is done to refine the response. The most basic is “feed the last n-tokens of the questions and response in to the window”. Since the last response talked about Jane Ella Pitt, the AI would then process it and return with ‘Brad Pitt’ as an answer.

        The more advanced versions have context memories (look up RAG vector databases) that learn the definition of a bunch of nouns and instead of the previous conversation, it sees the word “aglat” and injects the phrase “an aglat is the plastic thing at the end of a shoelace” into the context window.

        • Lvxferre@mander.xyz
          4 months ago

          I did this as two separated conversations exactly to avoid the “context” window. It shows that the LLM in question (ChatGPT 3.5, as provided by DDG) has the information necessary to correctly output the second answer, but lacks the reasoning to do so.

          If I did this as a single conversation, it would only prove that it has a “context” window.

          • randon31415@lemmy.world
            4 months ago

            So if I asked you something at two different times in your life, the first time you knew the answer, and the second time you had forgotten our first conversation, that proves you are not a reasoning intelligence?

            Seems kind of disingenuous to say “the key to reasoning is memory”, then set up a scenario where an AI has no memory to prove it can’t reason.

            • Lvxferre@mander.xyz
              4 months ago

              So if I asked you something at two different times in your life, the first time you knew the answer, and the second time you had forgotten our first conversation, that proves you are not a reasoning intelligence?

              You’re anthropomorphising it as if it was something able to “forget” information, like humans do. It isn’t - the info is either present or absent in the model, period.

              But let us pretend that it is able to “forget” info. Even then, those two prompts were not sent on meaningfully “different times” of the LLM’s “life” [SIC]; one was sent a few seconds after another, in the same conversation.

              And this test can be repeated over and over and over if you want, in different prompt orders, to show that your implicit claim is bollocks. The failure to answer the second question is not a matter of the model “forgetting” things, but of being unable to handle the information to reach a logic conclusion.

              I’ll link again this paper because it shows that this was already studied.

              Seems kind of disingenuous to say “the key to reasoning is memory”

              The one being at least disingenuous here is you, not me. More specifically:

              • In no moment I said or even implied that the key to reasoning is memory; don’t be a liar claiming otherwise.
              • Your whole comment boils down a fallacy called false equivalence.
              • randon31415@lemmy.world
                4 months ago

                |You’re anthropomorphising it

                I was referring to you and your memory in that statement comparing you to an it. Are you not something to be anthropomorphed?

                |But let us pretend that it is able to “forget” info.

                That is literally all computers do all day. Read info. Write info. Override info. Don’t need to pretend a computer can do something they has been doing for the last 50 years.

                |Those two prompts were not sent on meaningfully “different times”

                If you started up two minecraft games with different seeds, but “at the exact same time”, you would get two different world generations. Meaningfully “different times” is based on the random seed, not chronological distance. I dare say that is close to anthropomorphing AI to think it would remember something a few seconds ago because that is how humans work.

                |And this test can be repeated over and over and over if you want

                Here is an AI with a context window

                |I’ll link again this paper because it shows that this was already studied.

                You linked to a year old paper showing that it already is getting the A->B, B->A thing right 30% of the time. Technology marches on, this was just what I was able to find with a simple google search

                |In no moment I said or even implied that the key to reasoning is memory

                |LLMs show awful logical reasoning … Thus they’re unable to hold knowledge.

                Oh, my bad. Got A->B B->A backwards. You said since they can’t reason, they have no memory.

                • Lvxferre@mander.xyz
                  4 months ago

                  I was referring to you and your memory in that statement comparing you to an it. Are you not something to be anthropomorphed?

                  I’m clearly saying that you’re anthropomorphising the model with the comparison. This is blatantly obvious for anyone with at least basic reading comprehension. Unlike you, apparently.

                  That is literally all computers do all day. Read info. Write info. Override info. Don’t need to pretend a computer can do something they has been doing for the last 50 years.

                  Yeah, the data in my SSD “magically” disappears. The SSD forgets it! Hallelujah, my SSD is sentient! Praise Jesus. Same deal with my RAM, that’s why this comment was never sent - Tsukuyomi got rid of the contents of my RAM! (Do I need a /s tag here?)

                  …on a more serious take, no, the relevant piece of info is not being overwritten, as you can still retrieve it through further prompts in newer chats. Your “argument” is a sorry excuse of a Chewbacca defence and odds are that even you know it.

                  If you started up two minecraft games with different seeds, but “at the exact same time”, you would get two different world generations. Meaningfully “different times” is based on the random seed, not chronological distance.

                  This is not a matter of seed, period. Stop being disingenuous.

                  I dare say that is close to anthropomorphing AI to think it would remember something a few seconds ago because that is how humans work.

                  So you actually got what “anthropomorphisation” referred to, even if pretending otherwise. You could at least try to not be so obviously disingenuous, you know. That said, the bullshit here was already addressed above.

                  |And this test can be repeated over and over and over if you want
                  [insert picture of the muppet “testing” the AI, through multiple prompts within the same conversation]

                  Congratulations. You just “proved” that there’s a “context” window. And nothing else. 🤦

                  Think a bit on why I inserted the two prompts in two different chats with the same bot. The point here is not to show that the bloody LLM has a “context” window dammit. The ability to use a “context” window does not show reasoning, it shows the ability to feed tokens from the earlier prompts+outputs as “context” back into the newer output.

                  You linked to a year old paper [SIC] showing that it already is getting the A->B, B->A thing right 30% of the time.

                  Wow, we’re in September 2024 already? Perhaps May 2025? (The first version of the paper is eight months old, not “a yurrr old lol lmao”. And the current revision is three days old. Don’t be a liar.)

                  Also showing this shit “30% of the time” shows inability to operate logically on those sentences. “Perhaps” not surprisingly, it’s simply doing what LLMs do: it does not reason dammit, it matches token patterns.

                  Technology marches on, this was just what I was able to find with a simple google search

                  You clearly couldn’t be arsed to read the source that yourself shared, right? Do it. Here is what the source that you linked says:

                  The Reversal Curse has several implications: // Logical Reasoning Failure: It highlights a fundamental limitation in LLMs’ ability to perform basic logical deduction.

                  Logical Reasoning Weaknesses: LLMs appear to struggle with basic logical deduction.

                  You just shot your own foot dammit. It is not contradicting what I am saying. It confirms what I said over and over, that you’re trying to brush off through stupidity, lack of basic reading comprehension, a diarrhoea of fallacies, and the likes:

                  LLMs show awful logical reasoning.

                  At this rate, the only thing that you’re proving is that Brandolini’s Law is real.

                  While I’m still happy to discuss with other people across this thread, regardless of agreement or disagreement, I’m not further wasting my time with you. Please go be a dead weight elsewhere.

              • CileTheSane@lemmy.ca
                4 months ago

                one was sent a few seconds after another, in the same conversation.

                You just said they were different conversations to avoid the context window.

      • Lvxferre@mander.xyz
        4 months ago

        [Replying to myself to avoid editing the above]

        Here’s another example. This time without involving names of RL people, only logical reasoning.

        And here’s a situation showing that it’s bullshit:

        All A are B. Some B are C. But no A is C. So yes, they have awful logic reasoning.

        You could also have a situation where C is a subset of B, and it would obey the prompt by the letter. Like this:

        • all A are B; e.g. “all trees are living beings”
        • some B are C; e.g. “some living beings can bite you”
        • [INCORRECT] thus some B are C; e.g. “some trees can bite you”
        • CileTheSane@lemmy.ca
          4 months ago

          Yup, the AI models are currently pretty dumb. We knew that when it told people to put glue on pizza.

          If you think this is proof against consciousness, does that mean if a human gets that same question wrong they aren’t conscious?

          For the record I am not arguing that AI systems can be conscious. Just pointing out a deeply flawed argument.

          • Lvxferre@mander.xyz
            4 months ago

            Yup, the AI models are currently pretty dumb. We knew that when it told people to put glue on pizza.

            That’s dumb, sure, but on a different way. It doesn’t show lack of reasoning; it shows incorrect information being fed into the model.

            If you think this is proof against consciousness

            Not really. I phrased it poorly but I’m using this example to show that the other example is not just a case of “preventing lawsuits” - LLMs suck at basic logic, period.

            does that mean if a human gets that same question wrong they aren’t conscious?

            That is not what I’m saying. Even humans with learning impairment get logic matters (like “A is B, thus B is A”) considerably better than those models do, provided that they’re phrased in a suitable way. That one might be a bit more advanced, but if I told you “trees are living beings. Some living beings can bite. So some trees can bite.”, you would definitively feel like something is “off”.

            And when it comes to human beings, there’s another complicating factor: cooperativeness. Sometimes we get shit wrong simply because we can’t be arsed, this says nothing about our abilities. This factor doesn’t exist when dealing with LLMs though.

            Just pointing out a deeply flawed argument.

            The argument itself is not flawed, just phrased poorly.

            • CileTheSane@lemmy.ca
              4 months ago

              LLMs suck at basic logic, period.

              So do children. By your argument children aren’t conscious.

              but if I told you “trees are living beings. Some living beings can bite. So some trees can bite.”, you would definitively feel like something is “off”.

              If I told you “there is a magic man that can visit every house in the world in one night” you would definitely feel like something is “off”.
              I am sure at some point a younger sibling was convinced “be careful, the trees around here might bite you.”

              Your arguments fail to pass the “dumb child” test: anything you claim an AI does not understand, or cannot reason, I can imagine a small child doing worse. Are you arguing that small, or particularly dumb children aren’t conscious?

              This factor doesn’t exist when dealing with LLMs though.

              Begging the question. None of your arguments have shown this can’t be a factor with LLMs.

              The argument itself is not flawed, just phrased poorly.

              If something is phrased poorly is that not a flaw?

          • Lvxferre@mander.xyz
            4 months ago

            Sorry for the double reply.

            What I did in the top comment is called “proof by contradiction”, given the fact that LLMs are not physical entities. But for physical entities, however, there’s an easier way to show consciousness: the mirror test. It shows that a being knows that it exists. Humans and a few other animals pass the mirror test, showing that they are indeed conscious.

            • CileTheSane@lemmy.ca
              4 months ago

              A different test existing for physical entities does not mean your given test is suddenly valid.

              If a test is valid it should be valid regardless of the availability of other tests.

  • afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Wait wasn’t this directly from Community the very first episode?

    That professor’s name? Albert Einstein. And everyone clapped.

    • Colonel Panic@lemm.ee
      4 months ago

      We met you only just at noon, A friend like Tim we barely knew. Taken from us far too soon, Yellow Standard #2.

        • Colonel Panic@lemm.ee
          4 months ago

          Here he lies, wasted, broken. No words or art, just a token. Could have helped to make one smarter, now is nothing but a martyr.

    • ameancow@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      Humans are so good at imagining things alive that just reading a story about Timmy the pencil is eliciting feelings of sympathy and reactions.

      We are not good judges of things in general. Maybe one day these AI tools will actually help us and give us better perception and wisdom for dealing with the universe, but that end-goal is a lot further away than the tech-bros want to admit. We have decades of absolute slop and likely a few disasters to wade through.

      And there’s going to be a LOT of people falling in love with super-advanced chat bots that don’t experience the world in any way.

      • UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        Maybe one day these AI tools will actually help us and give us better perception and wisdom for dealing with the universe

        But where’s the money in that?

        More likely we’ll be introduced to an anthropomorphic pencil, induced to fall in love with it, and then told by a machine that we need to pay $10/mo or the pencil gets it.

        And there’s going to be a LOT of people falling in love with super-advanced chat bots that don’t experience the world in any way.

        People fall in and out of love all the time. I think the real consequence of online digital romance - particularly with some shitty knock off AI - is that you’re going to have a wave of young people who see romance as entirely transactional. Not some deep bond shared between two living people, but an emotional feed bar you hit to feel something in exchange for a fee.

        When the exit their bubbles and discover other people aren’t feed bars to slap for gratification, they’re going to get frustrated and confused from the years spent in their Skinner Boxes. And that’s going to leave us with a very easily radicalized young male population.

        Everyone interacts with the world sooner or later. The question is whether you developed the muscles to survivor during childhood or you came out of your home as an emotional slab of veal, ripe for someone else to feast upon.

        • Lotarion@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          And that’s going to leave us with a very easily radicalized young male population.

          I feel like something similar already happened

  • glimse@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    I don’t know why this bugs me but it does. It’s like he’s implying Turing was wrong and that he knows better. He reminds me of those “we’ve been thinking about the pyramids wrong!” guys.

    • Ephera
      4 months ago

      I wouldn’t say he’s implying Turing himself was wrong. Turing merely formulated a test for indistinguishability, and it still shows that.
      It’s just that indistinguishability is not useful anymore as a metric, so we should stop using Turing tests.

    • Lvxferre@mander.xyz
      4 months ago

      Nah. Turing skipped this matter altogether. In fact, it’s the main point of the Turing test aka imitation game:

      I PROPOSE to consider the question, ‘Can machines think?’ This should begin with definitions of the meaning of the terms 'machine 'and ‘think’. The definitions might be framed so as to reflect so far as possible the normal use of the words, but this attitude is dangerous. If the meaning of the words ‘machine’ and 'think 'are to be found by examining how they are commonly used it is difficult to escape the conclusion that the meaning and the answer to the question, ‘Can machines think?’ is to be sought in a statistical survey such as a Gallup poll. But this is absurd. Instead of attempting such a definition I shall replace the question by another, which is closely related to it and is expressed in relatively unambiguous words.

      In other words what’s Turing is saying is “who cares if they think? Focus on their behaviour dammit, do they behave intelligently?”. And consciousness is intrinsically tied to thinking, so… yeah.

    • nova_ad_vitum@lemmy.ca
      4 months ago

      The validity of Turing tests at determining whether something is “intelligent” and what that means exactly has been debated since…well…Turing.

  • NutWrench@lemmy.worldM
    4 months ago

    We’re good at scamming investors into thinking that a room full of monkeys on typewriters can be “AI.” And all it takes to make that happen is to waste time, resources, lives and money, (ESPECIALLY money) into building an army of fusion-powered robots to beat the monkeys into working just a little bit harder.

    Because that’s businesses solution to everything: work harder, not smarter.

    • ameancow@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      We’re good at scamming investors into thinking that a room full of monkeys on typewriters can be “AI.”

      Current generations of LLM from everything I’ve learned are basically really, really, really large rooms of monkeys pounding on keyboards. The algorithm that sifts through that mess to find actual meaning isn’t even particularly new or revolutionary, we just never had databases large enough that can be indexed fast enough to actually find the emergent patterns and connections between fields.

      If you pile enough libraries in front of you and can sift out the exact lines that you know will make you feel a certain way, you can arrange that pile of information in ways that will give you almost any result you want.

      The thing that tricks a lot of us is we’re never really conscious of what we want. We want to be tricked though, we want to control and manipulate something that seems conscious for our own ends, that gives a feeling of power so your brain validates the experience by telling you the story that it’s alive. You see pictures that look neat and depict the scenes you wanted to see in your mind, so your brain convinces you that it’s inventing things out of nothing and that it has to be magically smart to be able to mash pikachu with darth vader.

  • RBWells@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    I used to tell my kids “Just pretend to sleep, trick me into thinking you are sleeping, I don’t know the difference. Just pretend, lay there with your eyes closed.”

    I could tell, of course, and they did end up asleep, but I think that is like the Turing test - if you are talking to someone and it’s not a person but you can’t tell, from your perspective it’s a person. Not necessarily from the perspective of the machine, we can only know our own experience so that is the measure.