• Hot Saucerman
    1 year ago

    Capitalism in the last 15 years has increasingly been a story of companies hitting their max customer base and then frantically going “but how do we keep infinite growth each year!!??!” and then deciding that the only way to make that happen is by literally pissing off a huge section of their customer base/user base so they can squeeze what’s left of the customer base at higher prices with worse services.

    They’ll literally do anything but the things that will actually work, because that wouldn’t as profitable as just straight screwing people. They don’t care that this will destroy the company in the long-run, as long as they get the IPO out the door and make some money in the interim. I expect Reddit to be a shell of what it once was in five years, with all the current leadership having sold off what’s left to hedge funds to be stripped of what little value is left like Toys ‘R’ Us.