+20 to +25 is the perfect temperature
Below is cold, above is hot
At 0, snow and ice form, so +10 is in the middle between your regular room temperature and freezing (i.e. jacket weather)
+30 is the kind of weather when you better be naked or wearing lightest of clothes or you’re gonna get baked over time. Not deadly by any means, but highly uncomfortable.
-20° to -10° is full parka weather. Your breath freezes on your clothes and moisture in the air dries up.
-10° to 0° is winter coat and scarf weather. Damp cold. Snow and ice but you don’t feel like your eyeballs are freezing.
0° to 10° Jacket weather. Early spring temps. Pretty mild in either direction.
10° - 20° Hoodie and t-shirt to taste. Basically the comfortable human range for most.
20°- 30° T-shirt time. Anything above 25 is solidly in swimming weather territory.
30°- 40° Time to seek some shade. Heatstroke and heat exhaustion are variable in this range the low end is a health risk for seniors the high end is a risk for even the hardcore heat lovers in their prime.
We’d be very pissed if we could read.
Celsius = (Fahrenheit - 32) / 1.8
but I still can’t comprehend Celsius 🫠+20 to +25 is the perfect temperature Below is cold, above is hot
At 0, snow and ice form, so +10 is in the middle between your regular room temperature and freezing (i.e. jacket weather)
+30 is the kind of weather when you better be naked or wearing lightest of clothes or you’re gonna get baked over time. Not deadly by any means, but highly uncomfortable.
I take it in tens.
-20° to -10° is full parka weather. Your breath freezes on your clothes and moisture in the air dries up.
-10° to 0° is winter coat and scarf weather. Damp cold. Snow and ice but you don’t feel like your eyeballs are freezing.
0° to 10° Jacket weather. Early spring temps. Pretty mild in either direction.
10° - 20° Hoodie and t-shirt to taste. Basically the comfortable human range for most.
20°- 30° T-shirt time. Anything above 25 is solidly in swimming weather territory.
30°- 40° Time to seek some shade. Heatstroke and heat exhaustion are variable in this range the low end is a health risk for seniors the high end is a risk for even the hardcore heat lovers in their prime.
Yep, perfectly reasonable
I just applied mine to the temps in the OP :)
Humidity is also a thing to account for. I’ll take 40° at 10% RH over 28° at 90% any day.
10° to 20° is definitely t shirt and shorts territory tho
Depends, I am increasingly a shorts year round Canadian so yes? But I feel like it’s also acceptable hoodie and pants weather. Hence “to taste”.
Water freezes at zero, so 10C is cold but only kinda cold.
Humn body temperature is 37C so 30C is got but only kinda hot.