• @WhatAmLemmy@lemmy.world
    23 days ago

    Beating students into accepting support of a genocidal ethnostate is how you radicalize your population.

    When Biden loses in November liberals will only have themselves to blame, but of course they’ll blame “the radical left” the same way MAGA fascism does — It couldn’t possibly be own commitment to “nothing will fundamentally change”.

    • Ech
      1023 days ago

      State cops don’t take orders from the president, fwiw. I’m sure there’s steps Biden could take to respond to this sort of thing and his silence is certainly problematic, but he’s not personally sending in forces here, unlike certain other presidents.

      • wildncrazyguy
        23 days ago

        There’s a Russian expat YouTuber I found yesterday. He mentioned this very thing. In Russia, all police are federal and thus serve the state, in the US the police are local (yes, we do have some federal enforcers, but they are dwarfed by local police). It blew the guy’s mind that we actually have local police that have to respond to citizens and politicians at the local level. Conversely, it blew my mind that this isn’t necessarily the status quo.

        All that is to say, the people on here that are saying “Biden do something!” May not understand that our president is not, and at least for the moment, cannot, be dictator in chief. And I for one am thankful for it.

    • @Plastic_Ramses@lemmy.world
      223 days ago

      I know what should happen instead.

      Everyone should just stay home so when trump gets elected, all these protesters will be swept off to gulags, so we never have to have or hear about any of these pesky protests ever again.

      That will fix everything!

      Its amazing how shortsighted many progressives are. Fuck.

      • wildncrazyguy
        23 days ago

        I think some of these folks are jaded that Bernie didn’t win the presidency. And that is completely understandable, it’s a shame that our country, and the dems for that matter, are not that left leaning.

        But what I think they fail to remember is that Bernie was elected as a Senator from Vermont. Kucinich, Omar, AOC have been voted in multiple times as representatives. While the country as a whole is not so left leaning, there are pockets in this country that are. Change can start at the local level, with actual local laws that impact your actual life a whole lot more than the small, but significant handful of things at the federal level.

        But notice that these folks are all democrats. If you want the AOCs and Omars of the world to have more power, then the best way to do that is to vote their party in as well.

      • @grue@lemmy.world
        23 days ago

        It doesn’t matter whether the single-issue “punish Biden for genocide” voters’ attitudes are stupid and self-defeating; they exist and the Democratic Party has to either acknowledge that and capitulate by finally doing the right thing (shock, horror!), or suffer the consequences of losing and plunging the country into fascist dictatorship.

        Edit: I thought of a better way to put it: the Democratic Party delusion of blaming the leftists for its own failure is ultimately even more stupid and self-defeating.

        • @WhatAmLemmy@lemmy.world
          23 days ago

          Seriously… How much of a fucked up dystopia do you have to live in that “If you want people to vote for you, don’t support a fascist genocide” is considered a radical leftist agenda?

        • @rammer@sopuli.xyz
          -123 days ago

          But given the stupid voting system in the US it tantamount to a tacit approval of the other guy.

          • @humorlessrepost@lemmy.world
            223 days ago

            Lack of enthusiasm lowers turnout. People don’t have to think Trump is better to stay home, they just have to be unmotivated. I’m not saying it’s a good decision — I think it’ll destroy the country —but it’s reality.