The VChK-OGPU Telegram channel reports what its sources are saying is the situation within various security organisations. At the FSB and Ministry of Internal Affairs, “Everyone is up and running, urgently reporting in. Now all the offices are like one big after-party.”
“80 per cent of the staff smell of booze. Some of them can barely stand on their feet. Can’t arm 'em, can’t send 'em anywhere. Friday night’s the perfect time to start something like this. Everybody’s standing around, waiting for something. No introductions.”
Now we all knew the Russian military and its personnel were incompetent but if this isn’t the most hilarious and stereotypical thing I’ve read today, I don’t know what is.
His only chance of winning is probably if some Russian forces refuse to fight him?
Wagner fighters are motivated to fight. Putin’s fighters are required to fight. I think that gives Wagner Group an edge.
Things are becoming as interesting as it was in early days of the war
I can aim pretty well when I’m drunk… At least on CSGO