It is 2026, and in a downbeat speech at the Kremlin, Vladimir Putin finally announces a withdrawal from Ukraine. Russian troops have done their best – or worst – but a fresh influx of well-trained Ukrainians have finally prevailed. The Donbas is now in Kyiv’s grip, Crimea’s fall only days away. What has turned the
They’ve been writing fanficton since the start of the war, what with “ghost of Kiev” and all. Or since 2004 and the original colour “revolution”, with the “ancient ukrs”. Or heck, since 1960’s with fuckin Solzhenytsyn.
They’re just writing fan-fiction now.
lol basically
They’ve been writing fanficton since the start of the war, what with “ghost of Kiev” and all. Or since 2004 and the original colour “revolution”, with the “ancient ukrs”. Or heck, since 1960’s with fuckin Solzhenytsyn.