Going to https://lemmy.ml/c/usmlr gives a 404, but https://lemmy.ml/c/usmlr@lemmy.ml works.

There’s also quite a bit of lag in federation, with most other instances not even having the last changes I made to the description. Only lemmy.world does, but I also moderated and post in the community from that instance, so that may be why.

I would assume beehaw simply won’t receive the posts I make from my lemmy.world account, because defederation.

    • @baronvonjOP
      311 months ago

      Any idea what it is about the community that is triggering the bug? I see other communities are working just fine.

      • @theory@feddit.uk
        411 months ago

        If im correctly informed, its to do with remote moderators. Reality is it’s just that the DB has hot itself into a screwed up state, i think they have a fix for it in the next version

  • EuphoricPenguin
    211 months ago

    My best guess, if you can even see this comment, is that Lemmy.ml is still under strain. It seems like it’s causing all sorts of issues, issues that aren’t really a problem on just about any other instance.

    • @averagedrunk
      111 months ago

      As a sometimes resident of lemmy.ml and an other times resident of Lemmy.one, yeah. I need to consolidate all the communities I follow on a non-strained server when I get a moment.